2. You Work HERE?! {Revised}

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'Oh no

Oh nonono-

What do I wear?

How do I act?

Ahghg!! IM AN IDIOT!

Stupid Izuku!!! Stupid stupid stupid! How in the world did I not realize sooner that I was talk to the Eraserhead! The under ground hero with a stern yet admirable presence... Maybe, if I'm lucky, I can get him to autograph my journal if I ask nicely.

No he wouldn't do that, after all, he is Eraserhead and I doubt that he would bother signing anything from a fanboy like me...

but perhaps-

No, what the hell am I thinking?! THIS IS BAD! What if I mess up drastically somehow? What if I spill coffee over him? What if I anger him?! What if he hates me?!? I would never forgive myself if one of the best stealth heros disliked me!! Oh god..WHAT IF-'

"Izuku? Dear?" His mother's concerned voice called out to the teen. One glance at his figure was enough to tell her that he was in panic mode.

"You're mumbling again Hun..." When silence once again came as a response, Inko softly placed the ingredients that she planned to cook for breakfast back down onto the counter. Izuku heard soft footsteps approaching his anxious frame and slowly lifted his curly head to meet his mother's worried green eyes.

This morning, Izuku finally found the time to search up the name 'Shota Aizawa'. It sounded very familiar to him for some reason, and had been bugging him all night. He wondered if perhaps he's read an article about him before, or if he was recently on the news. There was just no telling nowadays.

But you could only imagine the pure bewilderment that overcame Izuku when he was taken to a website describing non other then the Pro Hero, Eraserhead himself.

Ever since discovering this fact a few short minutes ago, he has been on the verge of a full blow panic attack! Even thinking about how HE perceived Eraserhead to be a sleep deprived homeless man taking residency on a park bench makes him want to die of embarrassement.

Inko sat down slowly beside Izuku in preparation for the talk they where about it have. "I know what you're thinking dear, but I can assure you that everything is going to be perfectly fine. You've worked before, so why should this be any different?"

"This is going to be completely diffrent from my other job mom! I'm going to be making coffee for Eraserhead!" He almost screeched, throwing his hands into his un kempt hair."The most I've ever done is working as a part time barista on the weekends! And I only did that for two months before the store was bought out and switched owners. I could mess up really really bad, and if I did I would be so disappointed in myself.

And you probably would be too... " his voice wavered slightly. "I wish I would have asked for his phone number so I can call this whole thing off... I don't want to get his hopes up about a nobody like me"

Inko felt her heart crack at those words. She indeed was immensely shocked by this new information, but her duty as a supportive mother came before any of her thoughts and feelings.

"Izuku..." Inko calmly grabbed one of the hands tugging at his hair, and gently laced her fingers with his before giving it a comforting squeeze.

"As hard as it is to digest at this moment, from what you told me earlier, he asked for you. It's not like you hunted him down and begged him for this opportunity at a job, right?"

"I guess so... But-"

"No buts! Hunny, you need to stop doubting a putting yourself down" Inko demanded. "I have and always will be proud of you. No matter what you may do, say, or think, you will always be the light of my life that keeps me going." She smiled lovingly and brushed back one of his rouge curls behind his freckled ear.

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