The Hogwarts Express

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Lily P.O.V

We were leaving to got to HOGWARTS! I had been waiting since James had left for his first year at Hogwarts. I had been bored during my time waiting at home to go to Hogwarts. So this year I knew would be great.Except for the fact that I had asthma. But I would not let it get in the way of anything FUN!!

When we got to kings cross station, I put my stuff onto a cart and left to find the platform.When we got to the platform, James ran through with my Dad. Al ran in after them, then I ran in with my Mum.When we got to the train I saw my favorite Aunt, Aunt Hermionie, she's the best aunt ever!

I also saw Rose and Hugo who were my cousins. Hugo has been scared of me since last school year. In our muggle school, I had done some weird things. I had this laugh which was horrifying, and I would use it to scare him and get him to do his work. I would some times be asked to do it, but I was fine with it!

So when we got on the train, I was finally able to go to Hogwarts! Until........



You might be wondering were the idea for the laugh came from? It comes from ME! I am able to do the horrible laugh. The Hugo part was based off of a kid I was able to scare with the laugh.


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