End Of Episode

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The girls helped me unpack in Isabelle's apartment.

"Where can I put my posters?" I asked.

"You can hang them up anywhere you want to, I love looking at that face too. Oh, hmm hmm hmm!"

We laughed.

"So, have you started looking for a job yet?"

"I checked the paper this morning about a part time customer service job at Far Out Record Store, from 3:30 to 11 pm."

"11 pm?" Hilde asked.

"I'll still get a good amount of sleep when I get home. I get weekends off."

"What about homework?" Amy asked.

"I get a couple breaks, I'll do it then."

"Fair enough," Buffy said.

"I'll take you to get an application tomorrow," Hilde said.

"Thanks Hilde, you and Henry are the best cousins ever."

We hugged.

Zee (A Bosom Buddies Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now