Out With The Old, In With The New

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I was in my room in my house. Listening to my David Cassidy record Cherish. Yes I'm a fan girl.

"Could it be forever or is my mind just rambling on. Well I touched you once and I kissed you once, and I feel like you're mine-"

My singing was interrupted when my parents barged in.

"Elizabeth! What in the world!"

"Mom, Dad."

I forgot they were heavily religious.

"You listening to that kiddy music! You're seventeen you're too old for that Partridge Family crap now," Mom said.

"Mom I'm never too old for him."

"Honey, hang on."

She went out of the room, my dad gave me the most shame inducing look. She came back with a Christian record of Amy Grant.

"Put it on, you won't regret it."

I really didn't want to.

"Mom please-"

"Put it on now!" She yelled.

I took the record out but as soon as I put it in the case, she knocked it over on purpose and stomped on it.

"Mom!" I screamed.

"No more hippy dippy music! I want you to start listening to the Lord's music. The beautiful spiritual music that is Amy Grant."

"Mom, that's it, that is it! I can't let you shove God down my throat!"

"Honey, go get me that bar of soap!"

Dad nodded and left.

"I didn't use his name in vain."

"I don't care, you either do what we say or we'll be shoving more than the Lord down your throat!"

"I refuse."

"Honey!" Mom screamed.

Dad came back with the bar of soap.

"This is your last chance, you play that record or you eat the soap."

I shook my head slowly, crying. Dad ran to me, grabbed me and tried to forcefully shove the soap in my mouth. I was choking. I kneed him in the place where the sun don't shine and he let go groaning in pain. Mom gasped loudly. I took the soap out of my mouth and threw it.

"Elizabeth Desmond, you pack your things and get out of my house this minute!"

"I will!"

I had everything packed, my clothes in a couple suitcases and my records and the record player in a large trash bag that I can tie around my neck. One person I know who I can stay with, my cousin Henry.

Luckily, I do have allowance from chores. I found Henry's new address on the address book Dad wrote in. Dad is Henry's uncle. It said Susun B. Anthony Hotel. I took the bus there.

Zee (A Bosom Buddies Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now