Am I Okay?

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'Hi. Hello. How are you? I love you.'
That's how you talk to other people. You show and tell them how you care. You tell them how much you love them. You are very friendly even some of them takes you only for granted. You didn't care about it because all you want is to show them who you are, the kindness you have. You are just being the best version of yourself. And this is for the sake of others.
But did you ever look at the mirror? Oh, ofcourse you did. Literally, we all see ourselves in the mirror. And girls? They always used to wear make ups for them to look good and attractive as well. And that's their purpose of looking at the mirror. To look pretty and feel so right.
You know what? They are the ones, or should I say, we are the ones who always lie. We are good pretenders. Just like how we cover up our scars with make up, we do hide the pain with a smile. And the biggest lie of ours is the sentence 'I am fine.'.
Everyday, we show the world how wonderful we are. But at night? Clearing those make ups and seeing all those scars, we begin to ask ourselves, 'Am I Okay?'. And we always used to be a liar. 'Ofcourse I'm okay. I'm okay because of so many reasons.'
Sounds crazy, but the best lie I've ever heard was from myself. And the best liar I've ever known is ME.

Lying in bed at midnight, I ask again, 'Am I Okay?'. This time, no words came out from me. All I did is SMILE, but suddenly feel those tears falling from my eyes. Cloudy eyes, my world now is blurred. But the answer is definitely clear, 'No, I am not okay. But I WILL BE OKAY.'

4/22/17 midnight

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