Why Deciet?

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Roman's POV

I looked up as Virgil was flung against the wall by Deciet,"VIRGIL!!'' I screamed as I ran over to him,"Virgil oh God are you ok please tell me your ok!!" I felt his hand on my cheek,"I'm s-sorry" I layed him down on my lap and played with his hair,"Shhhhhh". I looked as his eyes closed and I looked up at Deciet tears flowing down my face I layed down Virgil and pulled out my sword as I ran over to Deceit,"YOU MOTHERFUCKING BASTARD!!!"I ran towards Deciet swinging my sword."ROMAN ST-TOP!"I heard Patton scream in the background. I didn't listen and Deciet through me to the ground. I saw blood coming out of my arm but I didn't care as I ran towards Deciet again this time getting to hit him,"BITCH" he yelled at me as I ran behind him and slit his throat. "ROMAN!" I heard Logan scream. After that I blacked out.

✓✓Time skipp brought to you by the kid sitting next to me on this bus that won't shut the fuck up 🤬✓✓

I woke up at home with Logan sitting beside the couch and Patton in the corner crying"Logan?,Wha-"Be for I could finish I remembered everything that had happened."Virge!!"I tried to run to Deceit's room but Logan pulled me back down,"There's no point Roman" I looked at his confused,"What do you mean he killed Virg-"Logan cut me off,"And you killed Deciet"I sat down remembering what he had just said,"I-i"I broke down crying on the floor.I said the only thing I could think of,"Why Deciet?"

Part 2 or no?

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