Before we start

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Hello my Expressos! This is a story I have humbly adopted and plan to keep writing until I eventually finish it!

Now, before I start the story I want to address a few things. 

1. The first few chapters are going to house  the same intent as the original author planned, give or take a few changes I will make for the sake of plot. Future chapters will be written as I desire per granted permission!

2. I will try my best to make sure the characters keep their personality traits that makes them the characters we have come to know, but I will deffinatly take some creative liberties due to my writing style and how the plot may progress.

3. Concerning the ships, a gay ship is what will probably be written if a relationship does happen to bloom between Midoriya and someone else, simply because in this fandom those are the ships I enjoy reading about the most. BUT, that isn't ultimately going to be the case. A straight ship is totally something I can do as well, Yet if anything, It is possible I may also leave the main couple in this story shipless (shocker I know, but I'm not the best at romance)

But I will do small ships on the side that involves some teachers and 1-A!

And I desperately request for everyone to please respect any mentioned ships! Weither it be in the story, or in the comments, I don't want a shipping war to emerge and catch everyone off guard like Mirio.

After all, Everyone deserves some love<3

Except Mineta-

4. I'm lazy, and often times will forget I have a responsibility to update. So if you see anywhere that mentioned I'll update soon and its been awhile, you have the right to remind me (Reasonably!) until I respond :3

5. Speaking of update scheduale... Mine is almost non-existent :') so don't expect a chapter every week, but I swear something will eventually come!

6. YOU HAVE, AND I REPEAT, HAVE THE RIGHT TO CORRECT ME ON ANYTHING THAT MAY SEEM CONFUSING OR WRONG (This includes plot, grammar, and sentence structures! Along with anything else that may come across as difficult to understand)

Constructive critisism is always welcome as long as it's constructive! I admit I have flaws and due to the fact I write my books on a mobile device, I don't always catch the numerous errors I make. I won't get annoyed or mad if you correct my grammar. So please, Grammar Nazis, do your worst <3

7. Lastly and most importantly!
Kick back, relax, and enjoy the story.
☕ ☕ ☕


EDIT: As of 9/30/21 this story is undergoing revision! Please take note of this as you read chapters that do not have the "{Revised}" tag included in the title. As of the previously stated date, revision should only be taking place from then until 10/14/21!
Love you Expressos and hope to see you again soon <3

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