Chapter XIV "Truth Hurts, Doesn't It?"

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"B-But I'm not gay."

The words took about 30 seconds before it finally registered into Craig's torn up mind. Then, he felt his heart being torn to pieces and his world come crashing down as his body feels weaker and weaker.


He look at Craig with a judging look, and all of the warmth and the kindness from Tweek's eyes are gone, as if disgusted by what Craig had said. He felt he wanted to claw at his skin and just want to go back where he should've just stayed quiet.

"S-Sorry Craig."

Craig unlock the door, and went aside. "It's fine... C-Can we have a sleepover tonight?"

"N-No. W-We can't, I-I don't think we should be friends a-anymore, Craig."

Craig's heart torn apart inside him, and the kindness from Tweek's are gone now. He watched as Tweek slowly left his room and out from his sight. He quickly walk and look out into the window, and Tweek isn't looking up anymore. He's gone.

Craig felt empty and alone. His visions starts to blur, and without realizing it, he felt himself tearing up. He felt... hollow, and empty. He start to overthink from what actions he had done, and he wished he could've stop himself before it happened.

It's... too late to go back now.

Hours Later...

Clyde POV

"You think Craig is gonna be okay?" I asked Token who is next to me, "He will be okay, plus, Tweek is there to watch over him, remember?" Token said, and I instantly felt relief. When we both finally arrived, I instantly opened the door, to see Craig's sister, Ruby in the living room, watching a movie. "Hey Ruby, is Craig in his room?" I asked, and she gives us the middle finger and the pointed upstairs. "Craig is upstairs." She said and we instantly walk upstairs and into Craig's room. I, of course, instantly open the door.

"Craig are-" before I could say anything else, Craig isn't in here. "Hello? Craig?" I called but this room is empty. Me and Token are confused and we search around the place and we found so sign of him. Confused, I leave Token and went downstairs to ask Ruby where the hell is Craig. "Ruby, Craig isn't in his room." I said, and she looked at me, confused. "What? He isn't in his room?" She asked me, which makes me even more confused. "Did you see him gone going somewhere?" I asked, "Well, when I come to his room to ask what the hell is going on, he said that he needs time alone for awhile. I didn't see him leave or anything." She said, and I start to worry where the hell is he gone off to. "You should call your parents and ill try to find him with Token and Tweek."

Without realizing, me and Token are in front of Tweek's house and when we finally enter, we see Tweek in the living room, watching TV with a mug of coffee in his hand. "Tweek! We need help!" I yell at him and he immediately got up, "Y-Yea?", "Craig. Is. Missing!".

He look at us with confusion, then disgust. "O-oh, um... S-Sorry guys, but m-me and Craig a-aren't really friends anymore..."

His words hurt my heart, "W-What happened?!"

"W-Well, he kinda reveal himself a-as a g-gay guy, which I-I don't really like to be friends with... I-I mean, You guys are my friends, b-but Craig, I-I don't know..."

"Please Tweek, Craig is my best friend and I care about him. We know about his secret and me and Token are actually okay with it! He is our beloved friend and we don't want to lose him again. Please, help us?"

Tweek seemed start to thinking about it, and he finally let out a sigh, "O-Okay, j-just once, that is all." I smiled, "Thank you, Tweek."

Craig POV

I feel tired.

I feel loneliness around me.

I feel my body shivers as I stayed outside, sitting on a frost covered chair as I stare at the frozen lake ahead of me. My hands are cold. Too cold. My body feels like ice, and my eyes are tired from all the things I've gone through.

I guess this is the time...

"You know, Craig."

I turn around, to see him. "Trent...?"
"You know, I told you. Tweek isn't gay, Craig. He is straight, and I tried to tell you from the start, but it seemed that you gotten carried away with it." Trent sat beside me on the frost covered chair.

"I am a fool..."
"Yes, you are, and there is nowhere else to go, except..."
I look towards the frozen lake, and my thoughts and heart are racing. "Under..."

"Yes. It's better off if you end it all now before they found you."
I sigh, "I guess it's better off if i'm dead than alive."

Trent smiled devilishly, "Yes, and I can help you with that." He pulled out something from his coat, and it is a handgun. He handed it to me and I held it with shaky hands. "T-This is... This is wrong."

"Yet, your mind demands it. Never resist, this is something you deserve." Soon, Trent got up and walk away.

"Do it, Craig, before it's too late." And he's gone.

I look at the gun, it is a revolver. When I opened it, it has only one bullet.
"It took one bullet to the head, or one bullet to the chest..."

I bring the gun close, and point the open barrel to my mouth, as my heart racing wildly and my tears drops down into the snow below me, I feel the world stops for a moment.

and then I knew my life will end here, right here, right now.

I close my eyes, and press the trigger slowly. There was a loud bang and then, peace...

~ Aftermath ~

Clyde, who we're near Starks Pond, heard a sound coming from the distance, and when he finally there, he called the ambulance and bring Craig's body to the hospital. Sadly, Craig's did not survive, and when he found him, he already died and lay on the frost covered chair near the pond, and it was a suicide act. They buried his body near the church of South Park, where he will rest there for eternity.

Though, the lives of Clyde and Token gotten very hard, Tweek felt bad for what he had done to Craig, and they both soon become close friends again in this cruel world. Even if Craig's tragic deaths will be a nightmare that will keep haunting their memories, they will remember and memorize Craig, as someone that they loved and someone they cared. He is their friend, and they will remember him til the end of their lives.

Bad Ending.

(Please don't be mad, there will be a good ending for this story. So just stay tuned ^^)

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