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Suddenly Harley started to shake my head, and keeped on repeating "Axel, wake up! wake up! wake up! it's an order!". Suddenly I woke up, and saw Gordon shaking my head.
"Wha-wha-what are you doing here?" I said and did put on my clothes. "Why did this picture of Harley Quinn lay on your desk in your office?" He Asked angry. "Because, I'm a new cop, so I just wanted to be sure how the most wanted villain looked like" I said. "Axel, you have pictures all over the room" Gordon said. "I know" I answerd. "And btw, you said «Wha-wha-what are you doing here Harley?» in your sleep" Gordon said.

I got out off the bed. "Fine, Isn't it allowed to have a crush?" I asked. "Not if your crush is villain" Gordon said. "Batman! He's yours!" Gordon said and Batman suddenly did flew inside my bedroom. "I did expect more of you kid" Batman said and beated me up. After I did faint, he flew to Arkham Asylum, and did put me in a cell. He then flew away.

I suddenly woke up, because a girl was talking too me. Again! "Who are" I asked, and the girl placed a finger on his mouth. "Don't talk, you need rest, and get more power" She said. "Who are you?" I tried again. "Okay fine, if you need to know, My name is Poison Ivy. But you can just call me Ivy" Ivy said.

"Why are you here?" Ivy asked."Why are you talking to the newcomer?" Harley Quinn asked. "Because he is harmed" Ivy said. "That's not your problem" Harley said. "why are you harmed and captured in Arkham  Asylum? It's very evil persons that gets captured here" Ivy Said.

My Girl Harley QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now