Chapter 2

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"Hey! Did you hear me?" I'mma call him Night Creeper.

"Say huh now?" I finally come out of my trance.

"Can I pull the trigger yet boss?" Night Creeper says.

"Hey now! That's not nice." I reply.

"Can I kill her yet?" He continues ignoring me.

"Dick move." I mumble under my breathe.

"Holy shit she knows words." He replies sarcastically while rolling his eyes.

"I'm Robbie Couch and I need a couch." I say breaking the silence.

Mark starts laughing and some guy I never noticed behind me tries not to.

"Well fuck. If you would've been a little quieter I probably never would have known you were back there. Oh and just saying ya'll are being watched. 'Ight now adios amigos." I say trying to walk away. "Aye Mr. Muscles can you move I have a cranky ass two year old at home, two heavenly sweet teenage angels and a cranky ass man because I have yet to get home and cook dinner. Now please move." I make eye contact and speak in a bored tone.

To my surprise he moves aside. After a few seconds I turn around to ask a question I know i'll probably get laughed at for.

"How the fuck can someone so big be so fucking quiet? Are you even breathing... Wait don't answer either one of those I don't wanna know, that's creepy." I look at all of them, "But I do wanna know your names so when I get questioned I can just turn you guys in.. to Mr. Angry Man at home and I don't have to deal with him, you can." I finish pointing to Mr. Muscles.

Mark and Sneaky laugh, MM smirks, and Night Creeper looks annoyed.

"Asher" MM says.

Mark who had 'his' hood on takes it off and smirks at me. "Sayah."

"Fuck me" My instant reply. I set the bags down and go over to her to hug her. "How've you been bitch?"

Glancing at Asher she replies, "Great. Hows Ryder, Kyler, Faith, and lastly Naveah? They all still being annoying as ever?"

"Obviously. But on a serious note I should beat your ass for having Kyler's first word be fuck" I say rolling my eyes.

"Hi yeah I'm not interested." Night Creeper interrupts.

"Strange name but kay hi Not Interested."

"Oh, he doesn't talk his name is Tyson." Sayah says pointing to Sneaky.

"Okay well Mark I gotta go Ryder's probably gonna fucking kill everyone tryna find me." I say laughing. I pick up the bags and walk away.

"Who was that and who's Mark?" I think that was MM?

"Stop staring she can feel that shit. That, babe, was Shay. The one girl i'll trust with my life. Oh, and me, duh."

"If you trust her that much. I think I may just have found the one." Comes his reply. The one for what?

Getting home I ignore everyone yelling and walk straight into the kitchen. The house got quiet. 

All of the sudden I hear a stampede coming my way. The next thing I knew I felt a pair of little arms wrap around my legs, "Mama, I knew you loved me!" I looked at Ryder and he had an amused look in his eyes and a smile on his face, leaning on the counter by the entrance. Man, I can't ever get over that smile, honestly, it's almost like a turn-on for me now that I've been with him for so damn long. Well sorta? Eh, oh well he's mine.

"Alright, everyone out. Girls go do your homework. And no buts about it. I know you both have homework. Go now, I'll get you when dinner's done. Ky your room, yes, I love you." I order. "It comes with the title." I mutter. They leave but Ryder doesn't, eye roll. I turn around and get to work on the taco bake. He comes up behind me and puts his arms around my waist and kisses my temple.

"You honestly have no idea what you do to me."

"I may possibly have an idea. How the fuck is me being bossy a turn on? I thought I said 'everyone out'? That includes you mister." I say turning around and putting my arms around his neck. He just laughs and kisses me. "Your point?"

We roll our eyes, I think I may be rubbing off on him, then laugh because we hear Faith's music turn on. "Okay i'll leave you to cook. I love you." He kisses my forehead and then leaves.

"Mmhm. You too."

I'm done in 20 minutes after he leaves so I text everyone to come eat, i'm not about to yell, and tell Faith to get Kyler from his room. They all reach the kitchen in less than a minute. Everyone kisses my cheek when they walk in and say 'thank you momma'. They sit down and wait for me. Table rules: Everyone is to be present every meal (NO exceptions well of course except for game days). No one eats before we're all at the table. Being Naveah's night to give the food out she starts after I've situated. Duh. Then we eat.

"Hey mom, dad." Naveah says in a sweet voice. Ryder looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "Can I..."

"Yes." I say before she even has a chance to finish.

"... Go- Wait I didn't even say what I wanted. How do you know woman? Tell me your secrets."

"It's Friday. You ask every Friday to go to a party after dinner. So my answer is yes. But it's just like every other time do not, DO NOT, drink and drive or get into a car with someone who is. That's all we ask."

"So, can I just assume because mom said yes you do too?" She says looking at Ryder who just laughs and says yes."Faith..."

"Hell no hoe." Faith cuts her off causing everyone but Naveah laugh.

"Oh come on don't sit and study all the time." Naveah rolls her eyes and continues. "I know passing class is important but you've been studying the same thing for three weeks. Kyle's page on Instagram." She deadpans.

"You do need to go to at least one high school party." Ryder says.

"Fine but if I don't like it I'm going to the diner and sleeping." (It has an apartment above the restaurant the girls will use when they need a break. It is quiet and soundproof.)

"That's not fair. That's all he has to say? I've been trying since last year and I always get a 'go to hell' look." She says aggravated.

"I am the boss so..." Damn you Ryder. He looks at me and winks. 

"Not at the table." Kyler says while giggling. We all smile and finish in a comfortable silence.

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