Chapter 2

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-Somewhere in the depths of space and time-

Chitari guards walked the hallways past the prisoners that were held in the half magic half technology ceils that were made of concrete.

Inside one veil sat a man with shaggy brown hair that hadden't been cut in years and a stubble kind of beard on his face like he had not shaved in 4 days.

He held a piece of chalk (really a rock that makes white lines) in one hand and was writing numbers on the floor and mumbling the same thing over and over like an old crazy man. He wrote equations and names all over the floor of his ceil. He dared not to write on a wall. The only thing that was on the walls were two very well drawn pictures of a Mother and her son. The son looked to be 2 and was smirking a devil like smirk. The women looked down on the son smiling her hair falling into her face.

He finished an equation and looked up at the images he had spent so long drawing and perfecting.

"I have to get back to them." he mumbled repeating the sentence over and over as he went back to working on the equation on the floor.


-in the Movie room-

The older kids walked into to find Pym and Elta on the floor next to movies scattered in a circle around them. The shelf behind them held about 500 movies.

Movies like Cars and the Incredibles while a few action movies laid out.

"Come on you don't really want to watch that do you? Why not How to Train your Dragon?" asked Pym holding up the dvd case for the movie.

"No! I want to watch Frozen!" yelled Elta.

"Come on the only reason you like that movie is because the character's name is Elsa! Just one letter way from yours!" Pym replied.

"IS NOT!" Elta yelled.

"Is to!" Pym yelled back.

"It not!"

"Is to!"

The two continued to bicker as Scarlet walked over to them careful not to step on any of the dvds.

"Pym. Why don't we let Elta choose? We did say we could then later on tonight we can watch one of your movies ok?" Scarlet offered.

Pym hesitated before nodding his head yes.

"Fantastic."Scarlet smiled getting up, "Elta why don't you go put the movie you want to watch in the dvd player?"

Elta nodded swapping Frozen out for a diffrent movie before running to the Player to put the chosen movie in.

Alex smiled watching the girl pop down on Areta's lap who was sitting down on a chair. She wasn't a big fan of movies like the rest so instead of joining them she started to clean up the scattered movies. The group had watched almost every single one of these movies three times over. And the shelf of 500 movies were just the favorites of the group.

Alex smiled picking up each one and putting it back alphabetical order in the categorys. The group had split the movie categories into their Favorites. So Calvin's favorite movies were in his caterogry and Tony's were in his.

Alex continued to put the hundred movies that had been laid out on the floor as the movie started behind her. She could hear singing in the background from a musical and reconized it from the movie Aladdin.

Friend like me was playing and the song was one of her favorites.

"Well Ali Buba had them 40 theives" the song played. "Scheherazade had a thousand tales"

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