"Thas me?"

"Un huh," She nodded and August squinted his eyes some and tilted his head to get a better look.

"You don't like it do you?" She pouted and August laughed. "I do lil mama, I guess Spider-Man is dope then,"

"Seriously," She beamed.

"Seriously," He smiled.

"Where's sissy?"

"She'll be here later, why you tired of me?" He chuckled and Bre shook her head.

"Can we go get ice cream with Uncle Nate?"

"Yeah, go get your coat and I'll call him," August answered picking up his phone.

Bre smiled hopping down from the sofa and ran towards the stairs.

"Everything alright?" Nate Sr. asked once he answered August's call.

"Yeah, lil mama wanted to know if you would get some ice cream with us,"

"I wuz just about to check on J Bug, but yeh," He replied.

"What's wrong with Jenna?"

"Nutten, just felt like popping up ya know?"

"I feel dat, I get da same way with Sky, but look I'll meet you at your spot or we can meet at da Sweet Frog?" August suggested.

"We can meet there," He replied before ending the call.

Bre entered the living room with her coat and sneakers on. "I'm readyyy," She sang.

Laughing, August stood up and slid his feet into his slides and picked up his keys, "Let's get to it,"


"Sissy says she won't be here soon, are you guys leaving me?" Bre pouted looking at August as they sat at the table near the window.

"I swear shi gets smarter every day," Nate Sr. chuckled lowly.

"You'll be here with Niykee and Ramel,"

"So... you are leaving me?" Her frown deepened.

"Not like dat mama, just for a moment. But I'll bring you something back aight?" August reasoned and Bre shook her head and stared down at her waffle bowl.

"Shi really adores yuh huh?" Nate Sr. whispered and August nodded touching Bre's hand but she pulled away and scooted closer towards the window.

"Everyone always leaves me," She mumbled pushing her ice cream away.

"We're coming back Bre, have I ever lied to you before?"

"KayKay said they were coming back but they didn't. Sissy was supposed to buy me more cookies and she didn't. My mommy left just like you're going to," She stared out the window as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Nate Sr. sat back in complete shock, his heart tugging at hers, he wanted to speak but he knew it wasn't his place.

"Look at me Bre," August spoke but she shook her head.


Reluctantly Bre looked his way and the sad look in her eyes broke August's heart.

"I don't want you to go," She cried wrapping her arms around him.

"I won't be gone long Bre, we're coming back babygirl I promise," August told her as he pulled her onto his lap.

"I don't want you to go Auggie,"

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