Oh No she's back

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Back in the ally with Serena she used her communicator to call Darien. "Dare are you there?"  "Serena! are you ok?" he asked she replied. "Yes I'm fine but how close are you to me?" "Were dealing with some trouble but I promise were coming." she smiled and hung up.
Now with the scouts they hear Snow and they gasp. "I thought Serena destroyed you kaguya!" yelled Mars. "I'm here to destroy your leader Sailor moon!" Darien Yelled and Cried. "I wont let you!" and Snow Attacked them.
Back in the juban district Molly was worried about Serena because she also heard about her running away. 
All Serena saw was Nihalania above her before she passed out. and the scouts knew that they had to hurry in order to save Serena.
Serena's mother was on the moon wen Luna  came in crying. "Queen Serenity! our Princess is missing and we think that your sisters are up to no good could you help?"  "Yes of course I can just tell me wen." Luna Nodded and left  and went back to find Serena.

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