Chapter 8

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As we walked in to the all white room that just screamed crazy, Andy began to freak out at seeing his mother for the first time in years. They held each other and cried, catching up for all their missed time. After around 10 minutes of a family reunion, things got dark.

I learned the story of Andy's childhood and the history between him and Charles Lee Ray. They told me about how his mother had bought a Good Guy doll from a sketchy seller from an ally behind her workplace and how suspicious deaths began happening all around them. How the cops got involved and blamed Andy, and how he believed it was the doll Chucky, who committed these horrible acts.

They said that the police, including you, captain, found out he was telling the truth and that they helped defeat Chucky. But, when it came time for the report, you lied!

Then, sadly, he came back and caused more trouble in poor Andy's life. He was trying to take is body and replace it in his own soul. Due to no one believing him, he was eventually locked away and Chucky hasn't been seen since he tried to attack Andy at his military school.

After this story, Tiff finally spoke up and said who she was and how we were going to break him out of his tomb of a hospital room and go find the doll - and, in her words, "Send him to hell once and for all where he belongs."

I, of course, knew that wasn't the true reason we needed Andy and the dolly. The real plan was to bring Chucky back and now we had every piece of the puzzle. All we had to do was come up with a plan to break Andy out, and Tiffany had just the idea of how we were going to do it...

One Year, One Woman, One Doll, and the Story of How I Became InsaneWhere stories live. Discover now