Chapter 6

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So after the mini vacation of a lifetime, we were back on the road again. I want to say on the road to nowhere, but we did have a goal; we had a purpose. Our next stop was to find that little brat Andy Barkley.

That little asshole is the reason Tiff is in this mess. If she had the doll, she could bring it back to Chucky's body and, as she says, return him to his true form. Man, that's such a odd thing to say; it's almost unbelievable, isn't it?

There was a killer doll that we had to get back so he could repossess his own body. It's just wild! I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it myself, but that would be me skipping ahead, which I may have to do here and there just to move the narrative along more smoothly. But you understand that, don't you detective?

"It's captain, and yes, Heather, I understand."

"Are we on a first-name basis here now, captain? I'm just messing with you. You can call me whatever you'd like; just don't call me crazy." I said back to him with a wicked smile.

Anyways, where was I? Oh, yes, we were back on the road to find Andy. First we needed someone to help us to get in to see him. It was time for Andy to be reunited with mommy dearest.

They don't tell you that kidnapping is easier than murder, but let me tell you, it is; just ask Miss Barkley! She went completely down without a fight.

We left the hotel and drove directly to her house. It was in the middle of nowhere, deep in the forest in a small town. It was shocking when I learned about her past that she'd want to move so far away from her son. It was almost like she was hiding from someone, or like maybe - just maybe - she blamed Andy for ruining her life. She was a very sweet woman, after all. Why would anyone want to hurt her?

That's why we didn't - well, not when we made her come with us.

All we had to do was come in posing as nurses from Andy's hospital. After just a short 30 minute conversation of making her feel like absolute shit, like the scum of the earth, she agreed she needed to come with us and that she needed to see her son again. To reconnect and be the mother she once was.

It was really touching.

With that, we were on the road once more and headed for Andy at the hospital. That's where the real juicy bits of the story began, but you, captain, are going to have to wait for that. Stop your tape recorder and send in the men in white coats to put me down for a nap, because I'm tired and I'm not talking.

"If that's what you want, then that's what we shall give you." He buzzed for the doctors and they came to carry me off to dreamland.

My last thoughts before I faded away were that I know I have him hanging on my every word. He wants every detail and I can't wait to tell him all the gruesome things we did next...

One Year, One Woman, One Doll, and the Story of How I Became InsaneWhere stories live. Discover now