Baby Amelie

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Weasley_Queen  Almost there

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Weasley_Queen  Almost there

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Weasley_King - You can do this!

Blonde_Zabini - So proud of you!

The_Gryffindor_Twin - Lol that sign was so me

Bookworm_Malfoy - Wow only like two more months

Quidditch_Queen - Time needs to go faster so I can get another niece or nephew

Sporty_Angelina - Freddie will have a little cousin soon!!!

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Weasley_King  Amelie Raine Weasley arrived a week early! So proud of my beautiful wife for being so amazing and so brave during the delivery

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Weasley_King  Amelie Raine Weasley arrived a week early! So proud of my beautiful wife for being so amazing and so brave during the delivery

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Tagged Weasley_Queen

Weasley_Queen - Aww thank you! Thanks for being my rock and support even though I nearly broke your hand lol

Blonde_Zabini - Ahhhhh the baby is here!!! She must be introduced to Aunt Daphne!!

Hot_Blaze - And Uncle Blaise!^^

Bookworm_Malfoy - Congrats!!!!! She's beautiful!!!! This is so exciting!!!

Quidditch_Queen - Yay new niece!

Not_George_Weasley - Yay new niece!!

Sporty_Angelina - Yay new cousin! - Freddie

Weasley_King - Quidditch_Queen, Not_George_Weasley & Sporty_Angelina why are you so mean to me

Chosen_Potter - My bro! You're a dad! And now I'm an uncle!

Slytherin_Prince - Not yet^ congrats so happy for you two

Neville_Longbottom - Whoo! Yay!

Irish_Finnigan - I have found my son a wife

Weasley_King - Irish_Finnigan not yet stop

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