chapter two

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 Hermione came to with the sound of laughter resonating in her ears but she realized she was in a different room. This room had more ornate decorations and a hardwood floor but that didn't add any warmth or homeyness to the room it still remained dark and cold as if the warmth of the manor had been sucked out through a straw.

"Well the mudblood's awake" an eerily familiar voice stated as if they were bored Hermione turned her head to see a witch she hoped to never see again the face of her nightmares Bellatrix Lestrange. The raven-haired witch cackled with a sinister smile plastered on her gaunt face again without warning the words she so despised were shouted in her direction "crucio!" Bellatrix shouted with glee as the screaming muggle born was writhing on the ground in pain and agony. she failed to notice the dark lord entering the cold dark room
"Bella what are you doing " the dark lord shouted at the giggling witch. In a second the spell was gone and she was silent as she fearfully stuttered out
"nothing my lord simply letting the mudblood know what her stay will consist of" Bellatrix stated with pride she continued to bow deeply to the raging dark lord. "You were ordered not to harm her!" the dark lord shouted at the now begging witch "you'll just have to learn your lesson won't you" he pondered aloud as Bellatrix begged for forgiveness "Sectumsempra!" he shouted and all at once Bellatrix fell to the ground and blood began to freely flow from her many open wounds. as she screamed for forgiveness, Narcissa Malfoy came into the room to investigate what the screaming was and as she laid her eyes on Hermione she instantly felt some sort of connection to the muggle-born witch and instead of disgust she felt pity for the young woman pity for the loss she has dealt with and for the road ahead of her. Narcissa was snapped out of her thoughts by the screams of her thrashing sister without hesitation she cast a silencing charm on her but that didn't do much to silence her agonizing screams. After what felt like years the screaming ceased and Bellatrix stopped thrashing around on the dark hardwood she spoke in a shaking whisper and her voice broke with each syllable but she managed to stutter out

"yes my lord" she stammered out in a hushed whisper she didn't have the chance to say anything more before she was taken out of the room by other deatheaters. Narcissa's focus was then again forced to the dark lord who was now advancing towards the trembling young witch.

"That will be your fate if you don't do exactly as is expected of you" the now calmer but angered dark lord seethed

"What do you want from me," Hermione asked in a quiet squeak

"Oh if you haven't figured it out by now I am beginning to doubt the claim that you are the smartest witch of the age " Voldemort chuckled at the fearful muggleborn "you see we need someone of your knowledge and skill set for the advancement of our ideals and the takeover of the ministry your assistance would be greatly appreciated and also if you don't help us your parents well they won't have much of a future" he stated in an amused manner as Hermione's breathing started to get more erratic and she began to break out in a cold sweat the dark lord continued on as if he didn't notice her erratic behavior "you did well with hiding them but you see your parents aren't who you thought they were." he said as he circled the trembling girl" Dumbledore always needed a smart girl for when the time came to defeat me. so, two of his loyalist followers decided to go into the muggle world and raise the child that would keep the chosen one alive in his time at Hogwarts used to reform you to our way of life Miss Granger or as you or as your blood status has been reestablished, Miss Crouch,"

He looked to see the young witch unconscious on the dusty floor.

this is trashy but imma go with it at this point thanks!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2019 ⏰

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