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I paced around my small room; my hair flew on my face. I brushed it aside.

I heard hooves clacking against the stone pavement. I looked outside, a young woman probably a few years younger than me, came from the carriage.

Within a couple of minutes, I heard a knock at the door. I opened the door and there she was.

A beautiful woman. She had curly dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and a soft tone of a voice.

"Therese Brunsvik," she bowed.
"Who are you?"

I looked into her bright eyes.

"Ludwig Van Beethoven."

We both bowed.

We sat by the piano, we raised our hands to the keys at the same time. Her eyes focused on the keys, then the composition, and again on the keys.

Her fingers moved along with mine. I lowered my shoe on the pedals. I felt a hand move on top of mine.

I looked up and she turned her glance to me.

She smiled.

My heart skipped a beat.

We finished. Her hand grasped mine.

We stood from the chair.

"Beethoven," she whispered.
"My darling Beethoven."

Those words. My Darling.

  I grabbed onto her other hand. Her lips pressed against mine.

  This trance I fell under. A desire long awaited.

  The only word to describe this feeling.

  An ecstasy.

  An ecstasy in which can never be broken.

  "My love," I whispered.
  "My Everything."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2019 ⏰

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