13. If I Win or Lose All Roads Lead to You [edited]

Start from the beginning

"ANNA!" Duke shouted back at me as I hit the bottom.

"Just a few days away and we will be ok." Camille glanced back at me as I made the turn.

"A few days? This is bigger than anything else we thought of." I glared back at her.

"I didn't mean for this to happen."

"Well it fucking did and now I'm in this mess. You pulled me into this thing and honestly I hate it."

Camille pulled her knees up to her chest, "Do you think we did the right thing?"

I slowed the car down as I came to the light, "We did it. There is nothing more to do."

Camille smiled at me, "Girl you got balls."

I laughed back at her as I took off from the light.

Camille turned the radio up, "Just a few more hours and we are home away from home."

I kept my eyes forward when I saw the figure step out into the road, "The fuck?"

Camille grabbed the dash infront of her when something slammed into the back of the car.

I hit the brakes when the figure infront of me lifted their hand. "Camille..."

"Oh my god..." Camille mumbled out as the gun shots rang out throughout the car.

"Anna, please just wake up." Duke cried into my chest as he checked for a heartbeat once more.

My eyes snapped open as I gasped for air.

Duke pushed some air out of my face, "Anna, do ever do that again."

I glanced back at him, "We were attacked that night."

Duke looked back at me, "What did you just say?"

"We were attacked on the way to the house. Someone stepped out into the road and then someone hit the back of the car." I looked up at him.

"Someone attacked you?"

I pushed myself up as I looked around at some trees that were broken, "Do you see that?"

Duke looked over in the direction I was pointing.

"Those trees are snapped." I looked back up at the road. "They are snapped like a car came down the hill side."

Duke looked up at the path as it was clear that something came down that hill, "Anna that could be from anything."

I walked over to the tree when I heard something crunch under me. I bent down and picked up the glass, "So I'm guessing you are gonna tell me that glass now grows in the ground?"

"That could be from any accident over the years. Look at those turns."

I tossed the dirt back on the ground, "Why are you doubting me?"

"You are saying that someone ambushed you and Camille. That someone wanted you dead. You are just a college kid. There is no way that you know enough to be killed!"
I looked back at him.

"Anna, you are from random city from the south. You are no rich kid that has connections to some high ranking official. Come on Anna, look at what you are saying."

Professor McCafferty [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now