Chapter 7// You will end up by getting lost

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Harry took pictures of literally every sign he saw. When I asked him why, he answered, "Because they're interesting." which they were. Icelandic is probably the weirdest language ever seen and heard to a man.

Like seriously, you would think that 'Gangbraut' and 'Bókasafn' would be some crap written on a paper instead of two words from an actual language.

The signs were not the only weird thing of course, listening to people talk Icelandic was like listening to two aliens talking. Harry didn't forget to sneakily take a video of two people in the middle of a conversation. Can somebody say Creep Alert?

"I seriously need to learn this language," Harry muttered as he flipped through the photos in the camera roll on his phone. Niall chuckled and shook his head before taking another sip of his hot chocolate. We had stopped at a small cafe downtown, only about ten meters away from the hotel actually, to get ourselves something to eat and warm up. It was freezing outside, fortunately there was no rain but the wind was really cold.

"Good luck with that." I said sarcastically. It would take him years to learn Icelandic.

"Thanks!" Harry grinned, he was either so dumb to not notice the sarcasm in my voice or he was ignoring it.

I'm gonna go for the first option.

"This is the best hot chocolate I've ever tasted," Liam said as he put down his empty cup and called for a waitress so he could get some more chocolate.

"Yeah," Niall and I agreed at the same time. We both let out a quite laugh.

"Does anybody have the google translate app?" Harry piped up, his eyes were still focused on his phone screen. Liam handed him his phone and Harry immediately started typing down something non of understood.

"This is so fun." He muttered as he begun to type down another word. I shook my head with a smile.

A waitress came with another steaming cup of hot chocolate for Liam who grabbed the cup and took a large sip.

Bad idea.

In a fast motion he put the cup down, causing some of the drink to spill and he immediately stuck out his tongue, mouth wide open as he breathed out.

"Hot hot hot hot hot," He yelled while waving his hands in front of his mouth to try too cool it down.

Niall burst out laughing while I looked with concern at Liam who suddenly started chocking on air. Harry was still translating words.

"Oh my god, are out okay?" I asked as I poured cold water into a cup and handed it to Liam. He quickly gulped the water down and when he had emptied the cup, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you," He smiled.

"No problem," I replied.

Niall's laughter had faded out and now he was sitting with an amused smile beside me. "Are you going to finish that?" He asked and pointed towards Liam's hot chocolate. Liam shook his head.

"Great!" Niall grabbed the cup and slowly started to drink out of it.

Suddenly Harry burst out laughing. The three of us turned our heads towards him with raised eyebrows, waiting for him to explain what was so funny.

"Guys," Harry laughed, "There's a penis museum in Iceland!"


Of course Harry insisted that we would go see the penis museum. Liam tried to explain that it was too far away and we didn't have a car or anything to go there but Harry only shrugged and told us we could take the bus. After ten minutes of arguing, Niall, Liam and I sighted in defeat and Harry started searching for what bus we would have to take to get to the museum.

The hotel plan ✰ h.sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora