Prolouge Part 2

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The always sucks. It's fun sleeping during the winter because you feel all warm and fuzzy inside the blankets. But when you feel cold, it just ruins the whole dang experience. I got up from bed, looked toward the window to see whether it was open or not. Surprisingly, I didn't see the window. I saw Keith standing in front of me.

"Get your lazy butt off the bed." He said pulling me up.

"I need more sleeppp." I groaned.

"Look, I need your help." He said stopping and looking at me seriously. "Can you delay Keres while he walks home?"

"Why can't you do it?" I said cocking my head.

"Because I need to keep an eye on his parents." He said crossing his arms.

"Why? And how do you even keep an eye on them?" I said drowsily.

"You're still half asleep." He said rolling his eyes. "Long story short, his parents are arguing and if they see Keres was late they'll take out their anger on him, which in turn Keres will take his anger out on us...and I don't want that. So, can you like, do something to stop Keres from getting home before 5:30?"

"Uhh...okay...but why exactly 5:30?" I said standing up and moving to the mirror very lazily.

"His parents will be on their tour by then, so Keres will be free to get inside and not have to worry."He said pushing me into the mirror.

The air outside was better than the one inside the necklace, it's warmer here. "I thought you would never finish that lousy essay," I said stretching the sleepiness away. Keres was writing that thing for hours.

"Neither did I, but look here I am." He said. "So what do you need, anyway?" Why does he think that people only talk if they need something? Others might, but I definitely don't.

"Nothing just wanted to chat a little, being lonely isn't fun. And everybody enjoys my company." I doubt if people didn't enjoy it that they would still be here.

"Keep believing and maybe, just maybe buddy." He replied.

"Hey! Are you saying you don't enjoy my company?" If he didn't, then I don't think I'd be here right now. He just kept on walking and walking, ignoring me. "I'll take your silence as a yes," I said smirking.

"I...never said yes." He mustered.

"Are you in a hurry or something?" I don't know if we'll be able to stall him if he keeps up with this rate, permission to be a jerk, over?

"Yup, need to get home early. My parents will blow if I'm late." He walked to the other side of the road, me following. Hopefully, he wasn't trying to get away from me... "Don't think about it too much, though. It's not like I have homework. For once!"

"And, would it really matter if you got home late? Can't we hmmm, I don't know, stall until about 6 or so?" Can't we all just do what we want whenever we want? Let's just have a set deadline. People will get it done at their own pace. Like, for example, walking from Keres's school to his house.

"And why are you asking?" He paused and thought for a few seconds and continued. "If you're thinking about doing something to me, then think again. If I get home late, my parents will blow the place up." He says while turning towards me.

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