Chapter 4: Sailing with Father

Start from the beginning

Connor: what did you do father?
He asked curiously
Haytham: oh nothing, they just don't seem to like me much. Probably because I am British or a Templar, or maybe some other nonsense.
Connor: or maybe because you are a jerk
I sit on the couch and gave Connor a stern look, neither of us are joking at this point

Haytham: not to my co workers
Connor: well I'm your son, you think you could be decent with me?
Haytham: I don't wish-
He soon cut me off
Connor: oh that's right, just tell me to shut up. Is that not what you do any time someone says something, that you do not wish to hear? Well father I am not one of your lapdogs, you have no authority over me. Especially not here, because you are on my ship and in my room.
Haytham: oh well fine got it, please will you let out your entire life's worth of anger at me right now? I would love to hear how much you hate me go on?
Connor signed heavily, as he decides to sit right next to me on the couch
Connor: I do not truly hate you, I do not trust you or even like you.. but I do not hate you either.
Haytham: well I'm not sure, if that's something I wanted to hear or not
Connor: like it or not that's how it is, you want me to trust you well you need to earn it. You want me to like you, be like able, it is simple.
Such sass definitely he's got that from me I thought
Haytham: tell me what you want from me?
I asked I was willing to try
Connor: I just did
Haytham: but that doesn't-
Connor: you're a smart man figure out what to do, if you want things to change
With that Connor stands up and crosses the room, he then tosses a blanket in my direction
Connor: sleep well old man
As he blows out the light
Haytham: you as well son
I wake up in the night feeling queasy, god I hate sailing I decided to have fresh air, that will do me good as I got up from the couch and I quietly left the room.

Tonight was our second night the sea, before we went to bed Connor assured me we would be at Martinique tomorrow. I hope he is right, I crave the solid land below my feet. Robert Faulkner is at the helm, as he has been each night. It seems he sleeps little, though he does rest some during the day while Connor takes his turn.
Faulkner: MR Kenway, what brings you out here?
He asked
Haytham: seasickness
I said honestly
Faulkner: if you throw up, it better be over the side
Haytham: I think I'm okay, just wanted some fresh air
I go and sat down on top of a barrel, as I leaned against the ledge of the ship
Faulkner: the Captain doesn't expect us to be out at sea for long, the Aquila she is quicker than most ships, it is likely she'll have us caught up soon.
He spoke with dedication
Haytham: Connor said something along those lines earlier

Faulkner: MR Kenway might I ask a question?
He asked curiously, as I raised my eyebrow in suspicion
Haytham: you may... though I may not choose to answer
Faulkner: fair enough, you and your son seem to have a strained relationship. Is it just because of the whole Assassin and Templar thing that goes on?
Haytham: well I suppose that's part of it, it's mostly what we argue about anyway. But it was hard for him.. not having a father all his life, especially after what happened to my.. I mean his mom. From the way I understand it, he was pretty young when she.. died... and he blames me for her death.
There was a moment of silence
Faulkner: he was four years old and she was all he had, the others in the tribe were kind to him. But at the same time made, him aware that he was different.
I looked confused at MR Faulkner
Haytham: different?
Faulkner: when you're mixed races, it's hard to fit in anywhere
That's it it all made sense to me now
Haytham. They gave him a hard time for bring part white?
Faulkner: you know that most natives hate white men, rightfully so usually but that's beside the point. Connor was seen as the bastard son of a white man, his mother was the only one who gave him undying love... that is.. until she died poor soul.
I signed heavily and I placed my head in my hands
Haytham: the poor child
I realise why he hates me, why he feels so cold and bitter to me I failed him as a father. I don't deserve his forgiveness at all I thought.

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