The Ultimate Breakup

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Toadette decided that today was a great opportunity to tell Yoshi about how they really got together. She overheard a conversation about the two of them meeting up after school in the park. That's exactly where she is going to go too. She decided to go by herself because she was the only one who actually knew how they got together. And she had proof too.

So, after school Birdo and Yoshi walked with each other to the park and Toadette secretly followed them to the park. Yoshi and Birdo were having a chat about their classes. "So, were you able to get away with not doing homework?" Yoshi asked.

"Like always," Birdo said. "It's quite easy, they never check it."

"Yeah but, you realise that there might be one time that they might check it." Yoshi said.

"Don't worry. I've never been caught and I will never get caught." Birdo said.

"Oh no," Yoshi whispered looking ahead.

"What?" Birdo asked.

"Look who it is," Yoshi said pointing.

Birdo looked. Oh no, she thought. I have a bad feeling about this.

"Hey guys, hope you've enjoyed your date." Toadette said. Hiding her grin.

"What do you want now?" Yoshi asked.

"All you do is make things worse!" Birdo said.

"Really Birdo. All I do is make things worse yeah. You know what, I kinda thought you would said something like that. Birdo, I'm here to finally tell Yoshi something he doesn't know!"

"What now?" Yoshi said.

"I haven't done anything or said anything he doesn't know," Birdo said.

"Are you sure about that?" Toadette asked with one eyebrow open. "So he knows how we got you to date him."

"Wait, what?" Yoshi said, baffled.

"Oh this is fun!" Toadette smirked. "Seems like Birdo is a bad liar. And that wasn't even the last of what I was gonna say either. You see Yoshi. It all started last year when Birdo was still friends with me. So you have to understand that we dared her to go out with you!"

Yoshi stared at Birdo. "Please tell me she's lying."

"I haven't got a clue about what's she is talking about!" Birdo said clearly lying.

"Oh dear, another lie Birdo, you are on a roll tonight. Yoshi as much as I hate you, I must tell you, this girl was dared to go out with you by Peach last year. And she was complaining about it. The first few months you two have been going out were her pretending to like you. I'm telling you she would've done anything to separate you at that point."

"Birdo, how could you?" Yoshi asked. He looked heartbroken. Birdo was about to shed tears. "I love you for real now Yoshi, I've seen the good in you now."

"How am I supposed to believe that?" Yoshi said. "After all the things I've bought you. I can't believe it. You are a fraud. We've been together for a year and this is how you have been."

"Yoshi, I'm sorry. That was last year when I was stupid. I swear, please forgive me."

Toadette smirked. This was exactly what she wanted. She just trotted off to her house.

"I will not forgive you. Birdo I never thought I'd say this. But we are done. We are through!" Yoshi said. Tears were swelling up for Birdo. Yoshi was still with one crutch as he left Birdo. Birdo just sat down swelling up. She knows that she has been a bad girlfriend. All she has done is got Yoshi to pay for her clothing. She didn't deserve to be with him. She saw Yoshi trudge off. She decided just to walk off by herself.

Luigi messaged Yoshi by the time he got home.

Luigi: How was the date.

Yoshi: Absolutely terrible

Luigi: Oh no what happened.

Yoshi: Toadette came along and told me the truth about Birdo.

Luigi: You believed her, I mean this is Toadette.

Yoshi: Yeah but she was friends with Birdo last year and she did have proof despite now showing it. I could just tell she had proof. She had her phone out.

Luigi: Wow. Tbh, she was kind of suspicious. Sorry about that man.

Yoshi: Its ok, it's not your fault. Can't believe I went out with someone who never does their homework and makes me spend $200 a week.

Luigi: I'm sure you'd find someone better to go out with.

Yoshi: Maybe

Harsh times. Toadette is at it again. But did Birdo really deserve to go out with Yoshi after all that. Maybe not. Hope you liked the chapter.

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