Chapter 5

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They woke up just in time for dinner. They headed to dinner and sat down in silence.

"Max when are finals for you" Lucas's mom asked. "in a couple of weeks" she nods. "you'll do great" he smiles at her.

Lucas was annoyed but was keeping it in check and not clawing on his legs or Leo's like he did the day before.

"No son of mine is allowed to damage the family image, of course he'll do fine. We raised him correctly" his father says and she nods. Lucas was beginning to lose it.

"And you" he says looking at Lucas "become a good lawyer and get married" his dad said and Lucas nodded. "I already found a nice girl for you" Lucas just ate.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" Lucas stood up and went to the bathroom and left Leo there.

Leo just ate in silence then he got a message.

-come upstairs-

"I'm not feeling too well, I'm sorry. I'll go upstairs first then" they nodded. "it's fine go ahead"

Leo then stood up and went upstairs. When he entered the room Lucas wasn't there. He then walked to the bathroom and found Lucas sat in a corner of the bathroom head on his knees.

"You okay?" Leo said but Lucas didn't answer. Leo then picked him up and sat him on the bed.

"Let's calm down" Lucas nodded slowly. Then Lucas began to cry in silence. After calming him down he helped him change and put him to sleep.

Leo then went to take a shower and when he got out he hears knocks on the door.

He finished putting on his shirt and opened the door. Max was there.

"Can I talk to my brother?" Leo shrugged. "he just fell asleep" Leo said.

"It's fine Leo" Lucas said and Leo let him inside. "what's up?" Lucas said sitting up. "just came to check up on you" Max said worried.

"I'm going to leave early tomorrow" Max nodded. "Go back to your room and sleep before you wake up someone" Max nods again and walks away.

The next day they packed everything and went down for breakfast.

"We're leaving around lunch time" Lucas said and continued to eat. No one said anything but the tension was there.

Soon after, they left and went back to the dorm. There wasn't really any unpacking necessary as they would be going to Leo's parent's house later.

"Did you tell your parents I was going?" Leo nods remembering the phone call he made the day before.

Flash back:

Leo has finally calmed Lucas and put him to sleep so he made a call.

"Leo why are you calling so late" Leo's mom said. "sorry Mom I had something to ask"

"What's up?" Leo wasn't sure how to put it. "well you know that friend I was telling you about Lucas?"

"Yes?" She asked. "well he had some problems at home and he has to go back to the dorms alone so I was wondering if he could come with me"

"Yes Leo, he is always welcome. I'll tell your father" after saying goodbye they hung up.

End of flash back

"Do they know about us?" Leo nods. "they know I like you" Lucas nods.

"Let's take a break for a while then go" Lucas nods again.

Leo went closer to Lucas and this time he didn't pull away. He leaned in for a kiss and was allowed to. They stopped kissing and Leo smiled.

They cuddled for a while then Leo spoke. "I'm gonna take a shower join me?" Lucas looked at him and told his eyes. "don't push it" Leo nods "had to try" and goes to take a shower.

In the afternoon, they head to Leo's parent's house.

When they arrive they go straight to the house. Leo walks in first and sees his parents. He smiles at them and behind him a shy Lucas walks in.

"Mom dad you remember Lucas" they nod. "hi" Lucas says quietly. They nod and smile.

"Why don't you two go unpack and we can talk later when we get back for dinner" Leo nods and they go to his room to put things away.

They finished unpacking and Leo decided to annoy Lucas who was on his phone.

"You know this room is far away from my parents room" Leo spoke getting closer to him. Lucas ignored him.

His phone suddenly rang. "hello?" He answered and Leo could see the tension he was in.

"Lucas where are you?" Lucas sighed. "I'm not going to be at the dorms for a while, why?"

"I came to look for you and you weren't here" Lucas was looking at all sides of the room. "I'm at Leo's parent's house. They invited me over since I was gonna stay alone at the dorms"

"Just leave the dorms mom" Lucas then said goodbye and hung up.

"You okay?" Lucas nods. "You want to take a shower together?" Lucas nodded. "oh come on don't be so mean"

"Leo I said okay" Leo looked surprised then happy. Then they went to shower. After Lucas came back in a robe to the room and Leo with a towel around his waist.

Lucas put in his underwear and pants then looked at himself in the mirror. He wanted to grab Leo and shove him out the window.

"Yang Yeming!" Lucas was mad and Leo just walked to him in silence. "You said you wouldn't mark me"

"Sorry" Leo said and smiled. "your lucky I have a shirt that can cover this up" Leo nods and grins.

They went to the dinner table and sat with keeps parents to eat. They talked for a while then moved to the living room.

At some point Lucas fell asleep and it was just Leo speaking to his parents while he rested on his lap. Leo took off his glasses so they wouldn't fall.

"He's so skinny" Leo nods. "he had gained weight and was getting better but I can't monitor him all the time" they nod.

"So is he bisexual like you or?" Leo's mom asked. "he only likes guys" she nods.

"Do his parents know?" Leo shook his head. "his brother came out to them as bi a couple of years ago but he hasn't said anything to them and I don't think he will"

Lucas suddenly moved a little making his shirt ride up a little and show a hickey on his waist next to his scars. His parents ignored it and spoke.

"Why don't we call it at day" said his father and he nodded. They left first then he carried Lucas to the room and changed him to a tank top and shorts.

Leo smiled as he held him in his arms.

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