Cassie and Pike arrived in the galley

Start from the beginning

Emmeline continued to talk, as she walked around the table and filled the glasses again.

"All of us here are family."

She kissed her father's head.

"Some old."

She took Amy's hand, "some new."

She continued to Pike and Cassie.

"Some by fate and still others by our past."

She stroked Sarah's hair.

"But, for whatever reason. We are all here, right now," she stopped behind Skye, "and we are ...



Again, she raised her glass.

"To family."


All joined her in the toast.


This time it was Farren who refilled the glasses, as Emmeline continued.

"Tomorrow, we face a foe, that I have faced before. A foe that we thought was destroyed, but for reasons, I am sure many of us don't understand, it is once again ...


She paused for effect.

"And once again ...

it has to be destroyed."

She looked around at all those in the room.

"And we will destroy it," she added, confidently.

"And this place, this planet, these peoples ...

will be free."


"To freedom," Sarah added, raising her glass.


Emmeline smiled.

"Yes, Sarah."

She raised her glass, as did the others.

"To freedom."


This time there was a silent toast.


Emmeline put her glass on the table.

She picked up the remaining bottle of scotch and put it back in the cupboard.

"For our victory toast."

She closed the cupboard door and pushed the latch across that secured it.


She turned slowly, tears now in her eyes.

"I love each and every one of you. I hope we all meet here again, when this thing is over."


Farren walked to Emmeline and hugged her, kissing her gently, tears now filling her eyes as well.


The scene was repeated many times, between those gathered.

One by one they all left, until only Skye remained.


Emmeline turned, as she reached the doorway. She looked back at Skye, who was sitting, in silence, staring at his nearly empty glass.

"You coming?"


He looked up, a sad look on his face.

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