Everything started when we debuted just a band Of young girls with the same dream of becoming stars yet everything has to have its own twist.
First it started with An!!3, our oldest nember. She was always the happy bubbly one, the one who made jokes and the one who could melt your heart but the phrase that says that fame can go to your heart really hit her.
We and Cellas didn't know what was in the mind of our Unnie but i wish we could of known before it happened.
June 1 2026:
Annie was 19. It was 4 years after we debuted and i must say we were quiet famous people but for annie it didn't matter she was still the same world wide fabulous but at the same time she said that something different traveled in her mind, she was...depressed, for soo long yet we didn't notice all those suicide jokes, she wasn't joking she was considering them with a plastered smile on her face and a fake laugh (a/n omg im trying not to cry) she was a good actress.
Until a tragedy struck it was on June 1 2026 she...died. She took a full bottle of sleeping pills and the worst thing is I was there in the next room and i heard a thud   which was Annie's uncontious body on the cold oak floor. I couldn't be live my eyes for a few minutes i thought it was one of her usual jokes but then in the palm of her hand i saw a letter her suicide note,
Dear Celfie,
I love you all and the Cellas i left because of the pressure and the sadness that has been taking over me for the past 7-8 years of my life.
I love you all
- Annie.S. a.k.a Ann!3

Fate~Celf!e~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora