A Letter to Her

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I know I'm probably the last person you would want to hear from because knowing who I once was to him may make you consider me competition. I promise you, I'm not your competition. He is the most loyal and committed man you will ever meet, and he won't falter. I'm writing this to just talk to you about him.

I once loved him too, and maybe, maybe I still do.

I just want you to know he is an incredible man. He deserves to be loved for more than his looks. Everything about him deserves to be loved. You will never find someone like him ever again. He is one of a kind and so, so unique in so many different ways. I couldn't put those all into words.

All I ask is for you to love him; all of him.

From his amazing looks to the dorkiness he hides deep down inside. Hold on to him while you can because he is truly a blessing.

He is beautiful.
He is intelligent.
He is strong.
He is resilient.
He is determined.
And though he may not be perfect, all the imperfections about him are what makes him perfect.

Please see that.

I couldn't keep him, but that was his choice to walk away. You have him now.

Don't use him for all that he is, he doesn't deserve that pain anymore. He deserves to be loved just as much as he loves. His love is like a fire. It burns so brightly and it's so, so passionate.

He will treat you like a princess.

Don't take advantage of that and don't take it for granted. You will never meet a man more chivalrous than him. He is the perfect gentleman.

He is so funny, and his laugh, God his laugh is perfect. His smile will never fail to light up your day and his smile always brightens up those beautiful eyes of his. Those eyes are so easy to fall into. He is the type of guy to laugh with you even when you're crying. No matter how sad you may be he will find a way to make you smile and laugh. He won't let you go to bed sad or upset because it will eat away at him. His hugs, his hugs will feel like home and they will make you feel whole again.

His heart is made of gold.

All that I ask is that you never break that because he shouldn't be someone who has to pick up his broken pieces.

Some days he may just ramble to you and it's like he never runs out of things to say. They are the most profound and maybe even nerdy conversations you'll ever have. His passions for hobbies will never fail to make you smile. Once he finds something he loves doing, he makes sure he can do it to the best of his ability.

He's amazing at poker and chess and video games. He doesn't watch much anime. Though you may not care, but he loves Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon. They were his childhood.

He'll always be up to listening to Taylor Swift with you and singing at the top of his lungs. Sing with him. He will watch chick flicks with you. Like Twilight, he was totally on team Jacob. He absolutely loves La La Land too.

He's an amazing violist, and your being there to support him at his concerts makes him so happy. If he ever insists on you playing his viola, give it a try because he loves being able to teach others new things. He has big dreams. Just support him through it all. He wants to go to CU Boulder and he'll be the most amazing Civil Engineer out there. He's so passionate about it.

He really likes breakfast foods too. He adores bagels with cream cheese. If he could have breakfast for all of his meals he probably would do so. If you insist on baking with him, he will do it with a smile because it's time spent with you. He has such a love for chocolate. He's always loved Ferro Rocher, but is so open to different things.

I just want you to know that you are so very lucky that you have him because he will never stop fighting for you until you give him a reason to step away. He will fight for your relationship even if it means going against his family and getting in various amounts of trouble.

He's a shinning star.

Don't give up on him and he won't give up on you.

All I ask is for you to love him for everything he is and treat him the way you would want to be treated. Don't use him like a toy, he doesn't deserve that. When he loves you, he loves you. You will be the apple of his eyes.

Just love him for him. Let him be emotional with you because he expresses his emotions in a way no other guy ever could. He is so strong. Don't break him down.

He is the most emotional, talented, kind, nerdy, persistent, romantic, and determined guy you will ever meet.

All I have to say is that he is perfect in his imperfections, and I hope that you will see that too.

Thank you.

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