Session 1

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Game Master: "In all this darkness, evil has grown and rooted in the heart of my beloved world. From this world I will summon the smartest, strongest, most loving souls to purify my divine creation. Come forth and feel my moon light." -Moon Man, Shift 25 of Nemus, 751

The once peaceful earth is threatened by a tyrannical rule of the Sun. Moon Man has summoned you to save the world, you are responsible for liberating the earth and bringing peace to the dystopian world. Here in this hall the stories and information you have come across will be written in stone, it's up to you to serve the lunar command. Ready up.

Game Master: Caltrist City, Kaedin's Inn. Without a single memory, our souls find themselves looking for guidance. No family, no friends, these journeys have met and become a story told from the early years of 873. Money has been hard to get for our band of misfit heroes, but soon they shall be put onto the path of fate. The Sun must die!

Game Master: Lilith wakes up from a nap, tired from her begging attempts for food.

Lilith: She sits up and rubs her eyes. Notices the new person who has just entered. Hey! Do you have any food?

Erune: She slowly opens eyes and grumbles. Where am I..? I want to go back to sleep... that was nice... She tugs hood over face and stares at the darkness inside it instead of actually falling asleep.

Game Master: The night grows darker. The loud music is lively, drowning out the outside world as the crowd enjoy themselves in the downstairs bar.

Lilith: She rubs her head. Can someone please turn off that music? It's hard to do anything with it screaming at you.

Erune: Yea, no. It's very loud. I can't sleep. She does a big yawn and uses bag as a pillow.

Game Master: The bards staring angrily among Lilith, the crowd falls silent and stalks among them.

Bad Bard 1: We don't care for peasants' opinions.

Lilith: I don't care much for you!

Game Master: The unskilled bards approach Lilith's table, their aged and sickly faces frowning among her.

Erune: I don't care much for all this yelling and general loudness. I don't want to move either. I'm fine here.

Game Master: The bards push at Lilith and surround her quickly, ignoring Erune.

Lilith: Anger flows through Lilith, her hair turning red. Don't touch me with your grubby hands! Punches bard. I'm not helpless, fuckers!

Erune: Sits up and watches what's happening. Oh.This might be fun to watch.

Lilith: Don't want to join in on the fun, then? She laughs manically. Suit yourself. I love a good fight!

Erune: Yea, I'm fine here. Smiles a little, showing her canines.

Game Master: Bad Bard 3 backs up as he takes the hit. Lilith is in a starving condition and cannot do much harm in her position. The bards however back off in fear, protecting their instruments.

Bad Bard 1: We won't take your pathetic words, you freak, you don't belong in the city.

Game Master: Bad Bard 1, 2, and 3 flee.

Erune: Mutters If anyone here is, I'm the freak. Raises voice. Cowards!!

Lilith: Ha! The little girl did want to get in on the fun!

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