Opal's Not The Only One

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Nobody questions why she's wearing a jumper in the middle of summer, nobody asks why she pulls her sleeves down to the max, nobody questions why she constantly smiles, nobody sees the sadness in her eyes, nobody sees her guilt, nobody sees her pain. nobody sees the real her. I wish they would.


'I feel so much better now I know I can talk to somebody' Opal exclaims, giving me a happy smile

My heart stops, my smile drops, and it's replaced by tears

She can't talk to me?

'Thats good I'm really happy for you' I whisper, smiling at her as we drive back


I go inside to see the other girls and Tracy gives me a smile as she heads down the hall

'It's been a good day, I've done a weeks counselling and I already feel a lot better!' I admit to them, unable to contain my excitement

'Aww that's fantastic we are so proud of you!' Lily exclaims

I smile and thank her as we head down the hall

'Guys just give me a sec okay?' I say

'Sure' Tee replies

'Thanks' I respond as I head upstairs, I grab my notebook and start to write down how I'm feeling, it's the easiest way.


I rejoin the girls and we head outside, chatting under the extreme summer rays, I don't care that it's hot really, summer is a happy season for me, I've got so many memories of me and Dani playing together under the sun, chatting whilst holding melting lollies, it wasn't all bad...

'Ahh this is the life' Carmen sighs happily

I smile at the girls, looking to the floor for a second everything comes back and hits me hard and before I know it I'm in tears

'Opal? What's wrong?' Lily asks worriedly

'I just...I miss Dani, I love you girls you know that...I just really miss my sister' I admit

'Oh Opal, come here' Tee smiles at me giving me a hug, we're all in a group hug and I feel a lot better than I did before


'Hey' I greet mike as I come into the office

'Hiya trace!' He smiles before continuing with his work, he walks out to sort something and I peer round the door as he picks up the sheet of paper, he drops it in shock and frantically runs back to the office

'Everything okay?' I ask him

'No, opals still struggling, house meeting immediately' he says as he runs outside

Of course he would assume it's Opal.


Mike runs out to see us and tells us all to come inside, he looks frantic with worry, and slightly upset

We do as he says and I see a sheet of paper on the table, he starts by reading what's on it, and then he turns to me

'Opal, did you write this?' He asks

'No, of course not I've been getting help everything's normal now!' I protest

'You were never normal' I hear Elektra mutter under her breath

'Oh shut up you' I glare at her

'Opal you don't need to hide away anymore' he says

'I'm telling you I didn't do it!' I insist

'Right okay, calm down. Anybody else have any information on this?' He asks

I notice Tracy shuffling in her seat, I don't think anybody else does.

'Right well, whoever has wrote this, this is very serious. And needs to be handled with care immediately so if anybody is covering for anyone, please own up' he says before leaving the room

I go over to Tracy and she gives me a smile, I smile back and then for no reason whatsoever, Johnny shoves into me, causing me to land smack bang into Tracy, who yelps in pain

'Johnny!' I exclaim with annoyance

'Sorry Opal, Liam pushed into me' he says as he leaves with everyone else

'I need to talk to you' I whisper to Tracy, lightly taking her arm, not meaning to hurt her

So why she winces in pain I do not know, but then it all adds up...

'Opal I'm really busy' she replies

'I'm sorry, but this can't wait' I insist

'Come on then' she says as I follow her down the hall into the quiet room

'What's going on?' I ask her, I need to know if what I'm thinking is true, and if it is...she needs someone

'Nothing, I'm worried about you though, why would you write such a thing?' She responds after a while of silence

'It wasn't me! But I'm worried it was you' I reply

She stands up, looking at me confused


'Don't hide it away Tracy, everything adds up' I say

'What. What exactly adds up!' She says, sounding confrontational

'The jumpers on sunny days, the fact you were shuffling around in your seat when the note was read out, pulling down your sleeves everyday, you need to get some help' I tell her truthfully

'Oh yeah because you got help straight away didn't you! Just leave me alone Opal' she says, going for the door but there's no way I'm letting her leave. I run over to the door and stand firm in-front of it

'Opal please move out the way'

'No. Because I know what will happen if I do!' I mutter, trying not to cry

'You can't stop me' She says, pushing me aside and opening the door, turning to leave the house

'Yes I can' I whisper, running after her I grab her arm and beg her to stay and get help

'Opal just stop!' She shouts at me, her voice rising with fear and anger

Unsurprisingly, everyone's gathered round to see what's happening, Tracys breathing is escalating and she's trying to tear herself out of my grasp. But I cannot let her go.

'Just tell the truth!' I beg her

She doesn't have too. Because her jumper sleeve starts to snag, showing a gap in the material which she quickly covers with her fingers

'Tracy? Let me see' mike asks gently from behind me, taking her arm out of my iron grasp  and going for the gap

'Just leave me alone!' She screams before running outside, I instantly follow her as she gets in her car I stand infront of it as she revs the engine

'Opal seriously move out the way!!' She yells furiously

I don't recognise her anymore. It's like she was never here...

Mike tries to move me but I stay firm, no way is she leaving to go home and hurt herself or worse!

She wipes away tears before stepping on the accelerator again, this time she looks me dead in the eye and lurches the car forward, making me jump out the way as she drives away from Elmtree at full speed

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