Welcome Home Tracy

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Excitement is flowing through me today because Tracys coming home! She really is!

I race down the stairs, unable to contain my excitement, I've missed her so much

'Right is everyone ready?' I say

They all nod and Gina gives me a smile, we all stand with party poppers under a giant banner as Tracy comes in, accompanied by Mike

'WELCOME HOME TRACY!' We all shout

She looks overwhelmed to say the least, hopefully that's a good thing?

It is.

She gives us a smile before coming over and letting everyone shower her in hugs

'Thank you so much everyone' She says

She sees that I'm sat in the corner and comes over to me

'Hey stranger' she says, smiling softly

I run into her arms, missing her hugs

There's nothing in this world like a Tracy hug

'I missed you so much' I say

'Me too' She says before putting me down and going over to the others I follow on and we start the party, Tracy being here makes everything better, and makes everyone happier

especially me.


'Everyone's made a massive effort and I appreciate it so much! I'm so lucky to have such an amazing family, thank you everyone, I wouldn't be who I am without you all' I say, smiling

'Don't blame us' mike says, laughing

I laugh back, and shoot him my famous sarcastic smirk while I'm at it, we both know we're joking with each other so it's okay, everyone starts the party when I hear a knock on the door I go to answer it and see Seth stood on the doorstep

'Hello Tracy Beaker' he says, giving me that smile that makes me weak at the knees

He opens his arms and I run into them like a little girl, he makes me feel safe again

'What happened? Mike told me you were in hospital, I'm so sorry I didn't visit' He says

'Long story, it's okay babe you've got to focus on the band, but I'm okay.' I reply, deciding not to tell him about the roof, it's opals story, not mine.

'Promise?' He says

I nod, looking into his eyes

'I promise'

He follows me in and goes over to Toby, they start talking about all these heroes on this game

I go to enter further into the party when he takes my hand, I turn and he pulls me in, before giving me a slow and tender kiss, one of those that makes my heart flutter, I know it's childish to say I get butterflies when I'm with him

But I really do

Opal comes over to me and I introduce her to Seth, they get on instantly which makes me happy and I go into the kitchen to talk to Mike

'I guess it's true. I do always find you in the kitchen at parties' I say, smiling

He smiles back

'Come here kiddo' he says opening his arms

'I'm okay' I say, reassuring him, he strokes through my hair until we eventually pull away

'I know, and you always are in the end, but the thought of losing you I just...' he says, trailing off, his constant smile droops

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