"Are you sure? We can keep going." She said.

"I'm sure. I know you hate disappointing them." I stood with Matt as she chatted to the girls who had yelled her name.

I let out a shriek as she suddenly pulled me towards her.

"Hi Jessi!" The girls waved.

"Hi!" I smiled, nervously. Snapping the band against my skin once. "I like your t-shirts." They each had a heart with a picture of the guys on it.

"Thank you. You look really pretty." One girl smiled.

"Thanks. This one works miracles with hair and makeup." I nudged Lori, and the girls giggled.

"Can we see your Harry tattoo?" Another girl asked. I held out my hand with the cross that matched Harry's and couldn't stop myself from smiling. It always made me smile.

"Come on girls, we should get you moving." Matt said from behind us.

"Could we get a picture before you go?" One girl asked.

"Sure, bunch up." Lori smiled, taking the phone from the same girl. She tried to fit everyone in but taking photos wasn't her strong point. I took the phone from her and quickly took a photo of all of us.

"Thank you." The girl smiled as I handed her phone back.

"Will you post a photo of Harry in his suit?" Another girl asked.

"With Niall in his glasses?" The other girl added.

"She will." Lori smiled before Matt guided us back towards the entrance. I looked around to see if I could see Harry, him and the guys were being interviewed by a woman with blonde hair. He flipped his hair and I couldn't stop smiling. He gave me butterflies when he did that. He was so handsome.

"Look! Ariana Grande! Hi Ari!" Lori yelled.

"Okay, calm down!" I smirked as we waited by the entrance for the guys. I had somehow ended up with a glass of Champagne, not that I was complaining it was helping to calm my nerves.

"I can't. I'm too excited! Are you having fun yet?" Lori smiled.

"It's okay in here. Like a party where everyone is cool but you." I giggled.

"Hey, we are cool." She giggled.


We'd been waiting for about forty minutes when I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist, I recognised Harry's floral suit as he kissed the back of my neck.

"You shouldn't be doing that." I snapped at him but I hadn't meant to so I smiled when I spun around to face him.

"I know but you look so good in that dress I couldn't help myself." He smiled. I was wearing a blue lace Rebecca Vallance dress.

"Not as good as you look in that suit." It was true. I knew he'd look hot as fuck in it as soon as I saw it.

"I'm glad you like it but we have to go and get changed now."

"Changed? Why?" I sighed, holding onto his jacket.

"For our performance." He grinned. "I think you'll like that outfit too."

"Come on Jess, let's go find our seats!" Lori smiled, grabbing my hand and I sighed as Harry's jacket slipped from my fingers.

"Wait!" I yelled and Harry turned to see what the panic was about. "Stand there! Next to Niall!" I bullied him to where the light was best and took several photos of him and Niall. I waved goodbye to Harry, and he blew me a kiss while nobody was watching.

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