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Kendall Jenner & Harry Styles Call It Quits!

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Kendall Jenner & Harry Styles Call It Quits!

After weeks of swearing that she's single, it seems like Kendall Jenner really is solo.

The 21-year-old model had been seen all over the globe with her boyfriend Harry Styles, but things have apparently fizzled out between the two.

When Harry was seventeen and new to London, with nothing but his guitar and a dream, he'd scribbled down a list of five-year goals on the back of a dirty napkin. He hadn't really known at that time if he'd be able to achieve them, but he figured, sat in a quiet nook in a corner of a coffee shop, it wouldn't hurt to have them.

Number one, get signed to a record label.
Number two, have my own place.
Number three, be working on at least my first album.
Number four, have a steady income.
Number five, meet the love of my life.

He likes to think he has achieved them, at least a little bit. In the span of five years, he's got three platinum albums under his belt, two Grammy nominations, four number one singles, two successful grossing arena tours, and a number of different endorsements and sponsorships. He makes a lot of money—he doesn't really want to say how much exactly, but it's quite the number—has a highly anticipated fourth album dropping in the next few months, and has millions of fans all over the globe. He regularly gets invited to sit front row for London Fashion Week, gets to attend flashy, fancy industry parties, and once, he even met Chris Martin from fucking Coldplay and Chris Martin was the one who got star struck. Over him.

Perhaps he hasn't really completed all—he doesn't think he's met the love of his life yet, and considering he's just gotten out of a relationship, he doesn't think he'll be meeting them for a while—but, with four out of five in his list of goals crossed out, he thinks he's doing well.

Niall, however, is of the opposite opinion.

"I'm just saying, you've really got to get your shit together," Niall is rambling, gesticulating widely. There's a beer bottle in his hand and he's at least the slightest bit tipsy, seeing as they've been drinking since nine in the evening and it's currently approaching three a.m. "You can't keep sulking and moping like this, you've got to get out and, like move on! Pollinize some flowers!"

"Huh?" Harry mumbles into the rim of his own bottle, slightly confused. "Do people say that?"

"They do now," Niall says imperiously, taking a swig of his beer. Some of it dribbles down his chin and splatters on the sofa; Niall just frowns down at it. "Sorry. But my point still stands. You're twenty-two years old, not eighty-six, so you should be going out and having fun! Dancing in the club! Fucking people in the bathroom! Engaging in threesomes! Not sitting in your living room with me watching," he squints, "is this The Notebook?"

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