III. Story of Persephone

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Once, there was a girl just like you or me and her name was Persephone. She lived in Demeter's garden and she was young and kind. One day, skipping through the garden on her own, she came across an injured snake. Feeling pity for the snake, Persephone took it into her home and nursed it back to health.

However, before she could release the snake back into the garden, Demeter came to call on Persephone. Upon entering the castle, the ancient and powerful Demeter spotted the snake sunning in the light of the window and cried out in rage. She had cast down the snake into her garden to die as punishment for his hubris, yet here he was, alive. Demeter raised her staff to strike the snake dead once and for all, but Persephone shielded him with her small, trembling body.

Even more incensed by her daughter saving the snake knowingly this time, Demeter swelled with righteous anger. She opened her mouth and a hundred screeching owls flew from her mouth as she prepared to sentence Persephone.

Persephone braced her arms over her face and stood firm over the snake. And then, the onslaught stopped abruptly.

Persephone peeked out between her arms and watched as Demeter turned her head, listening to the call of Zeus from the heavens.

"I must attend to my king. Stay here and I will deal with you later," said Demeter. And just like that, she was gone.

Persephone did not waste any time. She hurriedly packed a bag of her most treasured belongings. Then, wrapping the snake around her shoulders, Persephone fled through the garden.

Only when she was at the very edge of Demeter's garden did Persephone dare to speak to the Earth.

"Please," she begged, "my divinity, lead me to safety."

The ground split open for her and Persephone descended to the Earth to take refuge with Hades.


Auntie calls them to dinner. They're having homemade chicken-noodle soup and cornbread, comfort food. However mad Ashley is with her, she can't hold back the swell of warmth when she eats that first spoonful of soup. It's been so long; she hasn't been back from college except for winter break.

Auntie and Uncle share a look as he passes her a slice of cornbread. She cuts the bread in half and butters each side. There's a thud as she sets down her utensils.


Ashley looks up, spoon halfway to her mouth.

"I owe you an apology for the way I handled your mother's disappearance. I thought I was doing what was best for you, but clearly I was wrong."

Ashley is irrationally mad. This is really making it hard for her to be righteously angry at her aunt.

"Why would you think that?" She's grasping at straws and she knows it, but her aunt and uncle must not because they both stiffen.

"Why?" She repeats.

Auntie sighs, gathering up her plate. "There's cake in the fridge if you want desert later."

Ashley looks to her uncle, but he avoids her gaze and follows his wife to the sink.

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