She smiled again. I loved this smile.

I took a good look at her this time. I looked her up and down not too sure if I was happy with what I saw.

“Oakley what did they do to you?” I asked her carefully.

She dropped her head and I regretted asking her.

“They didn’t do anything, just threatened most the time.” She was lying I could tell. I didn’t push it though. She didn’t want to talk about it.

“Why are you chained to the wall?” I questioned her. It’s not like she was going to change into a wolf. Surely they knew.

She shrugged. So just for pure torture they chained her up?


“Are we going to get out of here Scott?” Oakley asked me her voice breaking. This killed me. She was so vulnerable at the moment; it was hard to listen when I new there was nothing I could do about it.

“Of course we are, don’t you worry about it babe. Everything will be alright soon.” I told her I move closer to her and she wrapped her arms around me tightly. This is what I needed.

It was still sore from the bashing I got from Edge, but I’ll live. Holding my girl was much more important right now.

“Why are we here?” She whispered into my chest.

I don’t really know what to say. She was probably going to blame this all on herself when I told her.

“Scott? I know you know. Can you tell me please? I just want to understand.” She signed.

I had to tell her now. I couldn’t lie to her.

“Oakley do you remember anything about your parents?” I asked her.

She was confused. I could tell this by the way she scrunched up the top of her nose.

“How does this have anything to do with my parents?” She questioned.

“Jim Kelang has everything to do with your parents Oakley.” I told her. She obviously had no idea.

She was silent. If only I could read her thoughts at the moment.

“Jim and your mum went to school together. They were really good friends too.” I smiled at the thought. It was kind of like Oakley and me. What Jim did too her mother was horrible though. There was no way in the world the thoughts of doing that to Oakley even crossed my mind.

“They went out for ages too. Like three years or something.” I shook my head.

“How do you know all this? My mother wouldn’t ever go near someone as cruel as that!” She snapped defensively.

“My father told me a lot of things when I mentioned your name. My dad was a good friend to your father, Nathan Green. They were on the same football team, they talked all the time. Anyway, Jim and your mum Laura were going out. Apparently dad reckons they were like the king and queen at the school. Captain of the footy team, head cheerleader. It was a perfect match.” I laughed thinking about me and Oakley again. We were so different that’s what makes us perfect.

“So they were together for ages when after a while when the football team won the final someone hosted an after party. Of course it went completely out of control.” I didn’t want to tell her this. It was going to make her so unbelievably uncomfortable.

“So um your mum and Jim were a couple yeah, some couples do things like this, not that I’m saying that we shouldn’t, or  it’s not that I don’t want to, but they…” She cut me out of my misery.

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