Chaper 2

21 2 0

While the boys are together perry is having her moments.

Perry's Pov

It's been a month now since I've seen Zayn and I had just caught food poisoning and was chucking up my breakfast when my phone started ringing, normally when I'm in this state I can't be bothered to speak to people but I looked at the screen and it was Zayn I really wanted to speak to him.

"Hi perry" is what I heard buzz out the phone,

"Hi Zayn" I politely replied,

"So I was wondering if you wanted to meet up today at some time" he asked

"Can't today Zayn I'm not feeling well" I said

"What's wrong" he asked really sympathetically

"Just food poising I guess" I said

"Ok bye" he said

"Bye" I said

I put the phone down and rushed to the toilet being sick yet again. I walked int to the living room and flopped my self onto the sofa and fell asleep watching master chef. I had been asleep for about two hours when the door bell rang I stumbled of the sofa and dashed to the toilet making the mistake of getting up so fast. 1 minuted I yelled before jerking forwards to throw up. I brushed my teeth and answered the door. My heart swelled with joy when standing there was Zayn with some flowers and a get well soon card. "Hi," I managed to choke out even though I was in a complete state of shock. "Come in," I squeaked motioning to the living room. He giggled and followed me in. We chatted for about three hours and I managed to go that long without being sick but we where sadly interrupted by me dashing to the bathroom him jogging in behind me to be sick he held my hair for me as I was you can guess sick in the toilet.

"You have to see a doctor," Zayn said. "I'll drop you of there when I go back to the studio," he said. "Ok,"I chirped.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2014 ⏰

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