Welcome to Gravity Falls!

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Hello, I'm sleep deprived and can't think straight right now. Staring at the ceiling and questioning the meaning of 'Avengers: Endgame' and Life throughout the whole night probably wasn't the best choice I've made while existing. Still questioning myself though: What the hell did I watch?!

We'll always remember you, Tony Stark! R.I.P my dude!

Anyway *slaps cheeks with water to get motivated again (which is literally impossible bc of school)*, let's get this story started for real now, shall we?

Hope you'll enjoy (*°▽°*)

Dipper POV

I stared out of the window of the bus. The landscape flew by with such a high speed that the trees turned into green blobs of sadness. Exactly what went through my head. It has been five years since we last been to Gravity Falls to see Grunkle Stan. Five years since the fight ended. Five years since the last time Bill appeared.

Mabels' head had fallen on my shoulder through the drive. I glanced over to her again seeing her still sleeping soundly. Her long brown hair, which she had been growing out since the last time we were in Gravity Falls, were loosely hanging out of her ponytail. I smiled a little and looked outside again. She hasn't changed at all during those years. Well, except the length of her hair.

 ~ Flashback ~ 


I turned my head towards the loud scream just in time. Mabel came storming towards me with a speed that should be illegal. She threw herself at me and we both landed on the floor.

"What the hell Mabel. That hurt! Be more aware of your surroundings!"

"Okay!", she laughed and boxed my shoulder.

I cringed at the all too familiar feeling and held my shoulder. "You always say that, but you never listen. This is the tenth time I've told you but you still do the same thing!", I explained frustrated.

"Yes, brobro.", she mumbled and searched through her schoolbag. What was she searching for? Before I could ask her, she took out her phone and showed me the chat history of her and Mum. Her eyes glowed with delight. I took the phone out of her hand and scrolled through the chat.

Good Morning Mabel, please show this to Dipper as well, okay? Your Dad and I are going for a trip this week. Well, you can hardly call it a trip. It's more like a vacation. For six months. And because we're both uncomfortable with the thought of leaving you both alone we will send you to your Grunkle. You'll obviously attend the Gravity Falls High school through those months. The suitcases are packed, and we already reserved the tickets for the bus. When you come home from school today, we won't be at home, so you'll be going today. All love, Mum

"Finally, we can go back! How long has it been? Five? Seven years?", I cheered, and Mabel screeched while jumping up and down the hall of the school building.

"Should we skip class and go right now?", she asked pumped up.

I sighed. I knew this was coming. Mabel was pestering our parents about going back for a while. And now that we could finally go, she wanted to go as soon as possible. "No. Even if we're going back, that doesn't mean we're allowed to skip class. And also, I have an important exam in a few minutes. I can't skip that."

Her cheery aura changed immediately after I said that. "Please?", she asked again and did the irresistible puppy-dog-eyes. 

In other situations, I could never resist them, but this was totally different. Though I have to admit that I was pretty excited - no the word excited didn't even come near how I was feeling - I knew that it was more important for Mabel to attend class. "No, Mabel. You can't skip class again too." I left her behind and went to the exam room.

The demon I love (BillDip Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن