Bill's gone

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Reminder: All the characters in the book belong to Alex Hirsch, the creator of Gravity Falls.

I thought of starting this chapter with the scene where Ford gets saved by Dipper and Mabel in Season 2 episode 20. They've just cured his 'gold problem' and Grunkle Stan is being his grumpy ol' self again.

Have fun (°▽°) *laughs evilly in background* I'm gonna make ya'll suffer! *starts having tea party with Bill*

Dipper POV

"Good to see you too, bro. Now let's get out of here.", Grunkle Stan grumbled and pointed out the window formed as a triangle. 

Why did everything that was related to Bill look like a triangle? I quickly discarded that thought and started explaining the whole situation to Ford. "Listen, Grunkle Ford. We don't have a lot of time. Bill's still out there. Remember that right before you got frozen you said that you knew Bill's weakness?"

"Yeah!", Mable helped. "A secret way to defeat him?" Outside of the tower we could hear the rumbling of Bill fighting against the Shack. The earth shook violently and I had to be careful that I wouldn't fall over. I stemmed my feet as hard as possible in the ground.

Ford thought about it. After a few seconds his face lit up. "I do! Now, does anyone have a pen, pencil, anything?", he asked and black gloves over his hands. No one gave an answer but either way, he found a spray can on the floor. "Perfect." He started to spray a circle on the floor.

I started to get my doubts. "Uhm. We got Bill outside but I don't know how long we can keep him occupied."

"Yes yes. Good good"

Grunkle Stan wasn't happy either. "Drawing a circle on the floor. Now he has definitely lost his mind!", he started insulting the older twin.

"My mind's fine.", Ford replied while looking to the ground. "And there is a way to beat him! With this!"

On the ground before Grunkle Ford was a circle. But not a circle you see everyday. There were two circles on the outside with different symbols. In the middle was a drawing of Bill. It looked like a game and not a way to defeat him.

Pacifica didn't know what it was. Obviously. She isn't the brightest person in the group. "The worlds most confusing game of hopscotch?", she suggested with her normal patronizing voice.

"No. A prophecy.", Ford responded and kneeled down. "Although, it would make a pretty fun game of hopscotch."

Pacifica sighed annoyed and rolled her eyes. "Such a poser. Thinks he's cool just because he's smart.", she mumbled with her back turned to Ford. I tried to ignore her and concentrate on Fords story of how he found this prophecy. We had more important things to do right now.

"The native people of Gravity Falls prophesied that these symbols could create a force strong enough to vanquish Bill. With Bill defeated, his weirdness would be reversed and the town could be saved! This whole time I thought it was just superstition. But seeing you all here now I finally understand that it's destiny!"

He pointed a finger at me. "Dipper! The pine tree." I carefully stepped on the pine tree symbol and almost expected something to happen. Bad chance. Ford immediately continued. "Mabel! The shooting star." Mabel stood on the shooting star symbol with a big smile plastered on her face.

I saw Soos looking down at the question mark symbol two spots beside me. "A question mark! This one's unsolvable."

Wendy looked at the heart symbol. "Heh, that one's easy.", she said and shoved Robbie who stood in front of her. "You've been rocking that dumb hoodie since the seventh grade."

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