wonderful start

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I was walking in a misty meadow, as the sun dipped below the horizon, the fleeting color of dusk began to fade way. And as I walked further while the long grass was brushing against my skin, I looked around. It was such a peaceful place, a land where nothing was going wrong, atleast in my opinion, it is. It's nice to be out, it feels like i'm escaping from reality. I was just going to go lay down and just admire the beautiful and breathtaking scenery, but all of a sudden, I saw a man, walking, his hands in his pockets. Looking down as if he is thinking about something really deep. I straightened my clothes and walked stealthily near the man trying to see who the mysterious figure is, who seemed oddly familiar.

"Hello?" I tried to get his attention.
He looked at me but It was too late to see the face of the man, I was woken up by the fight of the neighbours just outside. "God! It's Sally and his husband fighting again, always waking me up whenever i'm in such a wonderful dream." I groaned. The dream was mysterious, it made me feel a weird vibe, in a good way of course. I felt like the man in my dream, was familiar but I have never seen them in my life or I just don't recognize them? An old classmate? Who?

It's like someone I'll meet in the future i guess.

I laughed, i had never taken a dream so seriously though, well exclude the time when I dreamt of my high school crush, I really swooned over that but heavens no, I don't wanna remember my old self. I was so cringy back then.

I was still lying on my soft bed staring blankly at the ceiling while my hands are on my favorite stuffed toy. I sighed and tried to find my phone on the table beside my bed, some papers fell but meh I'll fix it later. I grabbed ahold of my phone and turned it on, I smiled at my lockscreen, it was an aesthetic photograph of the night sky. I looked at the time, it was still 6 AM i still have two hours and some minutes left before my first period starts. I took a shower and I put on a black off -shoulder crop top underneath my black leather jacket and ripped skinny jeans. I looked outside the window and checked the silver watch surrounding my wrist.

"It's already 6:20 AM"
I said to myself, raising one eyebrow up.

The sky was dark and it's giving signs that it will rain any minute soon, I went to the table and eat the pancakes that I had prepared for myself. I drizzled a maple honey syrup on it and put on some whipping cream. I took my knife and fork and sliced on it while i took a bite.

"Oh well, at least my cooking skills' still great."

I laughed by myself, how damned lonely. Oh how I missed those times when my auntie was still here living with me. She would prepare me the best meals, and always treats me. She was really a nice person, I wish she didn't die because of that damn accident we had, we were crossing the road while there was this drunk bastard on a motorcycle driving. To protect me, my auntie tried to push and jump with me to the other side of the road but unfortunately, I'm the only one that survived within the both of us. It was such a traumatizing event. The picture of my aunt, her head cracked bleeding,
oh my god i can't take this anymore
I tried to brush off the memory from my head.

"Nothing's going to change. Even if I wished on every shooting star for my auntie to come back, hell, i would even be scared if she suddenly appears by the doorstep"  I reassured myself with the harrowing truth. Well, it is what it is, I've got no time to be sentimental about things from the past.

I finished eating my pancakes.

I went back to the window to see a few rain droplets already. Shit. I grabbed my bag and went outside, I locked the door and I quickened my pace as the clouds start gathering up in the sky, and the sky is beginning to change its color, into a much darker color. Large pillows of clouds were forming as the raindrops started falling from the grey colored sky and some people around me started opening their umbrellas and getting their raincoats.

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