Eleventh is for Earfuls

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"You've really made a fool out of that boy this time," Lilith chuckled the next morning in her and Erebus' shared office, causing a glare to be shot her way.

"I don't know what he expected," Erebus replied with a roll of her eyes.

"He expected you to confess your deepest love for him, of course," Lilith chuckled once more. "As all men do."

Erebus simply scoffed, "I don't even love my father, how could I love someone else?"

Lilith hummed, "It's simple, really."

"And I don't care to hear of how simple it is."

"Why? An earful?" Lilith chuckled before going back to her work.

"More or less."


Later, as Erebus was making her way to her bedroom she's claimed at the Academy, she was suddenly tackled from behind.

Erebus growled, using her magic to push off the creature that had the guts to do such a thing, pinning them to the wall.

"It's a shame for you to try that," Erebus said as she stood up, dusting herself off before facing the one and only Ambrose. "Why did I know you would, of all people, try that?"

"I- I just wanted to try to make you-"

"Make me fall to my knees? Throw me in hell as you did my father? I do believe that is going to be hard to accomplish as I know not to make myself vulnerable," Erebus stated. "And where shall you end up for this act? I'll decide once you explain every single detail."

"I did it so I could trap you for a moment to talk to you," Ambrose started. "I knew you wouldn't want to speak with me and, well, I was desperate."

"Desperate to just talk to me?" Erebus practically doubled over with laughter. "My, that is the worst excuse for hells sake!"

"No, I was desperate to try to get you to love me back," Ambrose growled. "I- I had even brought a potion in case you wouldn't give in, but I realize what I'm doing is wrong now. Please, just please, don't throw me in the witches cellar again. I can't bare it."

"You knew you couldn't trap me coming here, yet you still tried with the mindset of it actually going to work," Erebus completely ignored the "love" part, getting right down to business. "Why?"

"I told you," Ambrose practically cried. "I was desperate."

Erebus hummed, "Let me give you a little advice; go for Prudence. Easy. You'll both fall right in love and live happily ever after."

"I don't want Prudence, though," Ambrose whispered.

"Shame, we can't always get what we want," Erebus stated. "Though I admire your hope in this, so I'll let you off without a punishment. This time."

And the unknown force that had pinned him down only seconds ago, was released along with Ambrose.

"Thank you, so so so much," Ambrose heaved, as if he didn't have enough oxygen delivered to him before. "I promise you I won't make this mistake again."

"Great," Erebus smirked as Ambrose had started to walk off, "Oh and, Ambrose."

"Yes, Empress?"

"I need you to find me an escort to hell, like a bodyguard of the sorts," Erebus told Ambrose.

"You- you're going back?" Ambrose practically melted to the floor, his pride beating him.

"Yes, I've got duties there," Erebus stated.

"I- will you be back?" Ambrose asked.

"Maybe," was all Erebus replied with before ushering Ambrose along to find her an escort.

She, afterall, had duties to fill in Hell. Oh, and make sure Sabrina wouldn't let out Satan in hopes of finding her lover.

If that were to happen, all hell would break lose and every known living force or creature would be erased from the Earth - including Erebus. And of course, she cannot allow that to happen. All of her dreams and accomplish goals would be ruined and worthless, just as she was when she was younger. She can't go through that again.

"Leaving so soon?" Lilith asked, snapping Erebus from her thoughts.

"Yes, I've got plenty duties to do. I'm no lazy ruler," Erebus rolled her eyes at her. . .equal. "Is that a problem?"

"Yes, I do believe it is."

ErebusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora