Chapter 35

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One group project done, one more to go. Thank you guys for being patient with me :) Here's a silly chapter that hopefully make it worth the wait...Happy Reading!


Something is poking me.


Scratch that, someone is poking me.

"Pssst. Hey, wake up."

Someone is poking me and I'm going to hit them for waking me up.

Grumbling incoherently, I roll over in an attempt to dissuade whoever it is. Or well, I try to roll over, but the leanly muscled arm wrapped around my torso and the body curled around mine prevents any movement. In fact, my attempt to move seems to have whoever it is clinging to me even tighter, until there isn't any space between our bodies. My body goes still and I can feel my cheeks heat as my brain notices the fact that it's morning and his body must realize that.

I hear a chuckle right before I get poked again. "Saaaang, come on. Wake the fuck up, we have shit to do."

I'm about to open my eyes and tell him to leave me alone when the person clinging to me groans. A wave of spicy scent filters towards, and I realize it's Kota now nuzzling his face into the side of my neck.

"Go away, Gabe."

I flush harder now that I know Kota is awake, opening my eyes to see an outraged looking Gabriel glare at him.

"Fucking rude. Are you gonna let him talk to me like that, Trouble?" I hear snickering from behind him, and see Luke smirking at us while he rolls up his sleeping bag.

Turning to Gabriel, I smile. "Uh-huh."

He sputters in shock. "Well fuck me then, huh? And this is the thanks I get for devoting the entire day to taking you shopping and filling out your nonexistent wardrobe."

Sighing, I wiggle a hand out from Kota's hold to grab Gabriel's hand that's just in reach. "I'm sorry, Gabriel. I was just unhappy to be woken up from the best night of sleep I've ever had, but I'm really excited to shop with you if that's what the plan is for today?" I try my best to widen my eyes and pout my bottom lip to exaggerate my apology and have to fight the grin when he groans.

"No, no, no! Do not start with a fucking pout, I can't fucking take you being adorable when I'm trying to be mad at you!"

I pout even more, and he shakes his head and turns around. "Fine! You have twenty minutes to get your pretty ass up and dressed or I'm leaving without you," he tells me before stomping away out of the room.

Luke grins after his best friend, and then turns to me. "There's breakfast in the kitchen when you're ready. Everyone else is already up and heading out for the day." With that, he leaves the room.

Now that we're alone, Kota returns his head to rest on my shoulder and lets out a heavy sigh. When he doesn't seem to be planning on moving, I clear my throat. "Um, Kota?"


"You're poking me," I say quietly.

"What? No I'm not. What are you–" he stiffens suddenly and I almost giggle. "Oh, um, that's biologically speaking it's totally normal and not at all related to um, to you being, um..."

"Kota?" I prod him when he seems lost for words, trying to put him out of his misery. Apparently he thinks he has to explain what's happening to me. I know that I've been sheltered from a lot being brought up the way that I was, but you don't spend years pretending to be a guy, using the same restrooms and lockers rooms as other boys not to get some things.

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