The Wolf and The Queen

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The second man lunged at me cutting my shoulder. I rip through his arm and claw at his throat. I was about to sink my teeth inside of him but the third came from behind and sank his sword into my side. I let out a painful howl as I turned to him and claw down his chest biting and thrashing. The taste of his blood on my tongue was sweet.

My vision was starting to fade as my legs were about to buckle. I heard the woman trying not to scream. I look at her and see the fear in her eyes. I see the black wolf that ripped through three men and was about to attack her. I began to cower as I walk closer to her. She looked so scared and she had no reason to be but how could I tell her that I was not going to hurt her? I felt myself collapse near her panting heavily. The blow took a serious toll on me. She leaned towards me reaching out to touch me. "Thank you..." she says

Something inside of me was changing. I was changing back into a man. It would not have been long before I was back to who I was. Horses in the distance had come closer. I heard the Knights that saw me and thought I was going to kill her. "Kill the beast! He attacked the princess!" I got to my feet and ran. Everything felt like fire. I hear the arrows zipping past my head. In the distance I heard her scream "Don't hurt him!" then one struck me behind my left shoulder. I fell hard rolling to the water. I felt myself slip in and out of consciousness. I slowly fell asleep as I felt my bones change back to that of a man.

The princess was shocked at the events that transpired. She had so many questions. "What was that thing?" Why did it save me?" and another question rose to her mind as well "Is it still alive?" To her it was no beast that saved her but a guardian. A protector that came to her aid. A big black wolf with no fear in its eyes as it did not hesitate to kill them bandits but stop the moment she was safe. He was in so much pain and she begged for the Knights to hold their fire, but they did not stop until he was out of sight.

When I finally come to; I can hear the stream by my head. My body hurt so bad. I look to my wounds and see skin rather than fur. I was back to my mortal state. I reach for the stream and washed the blood from my skin as my wounds finish closing. I try to make myself stand but it took a while learning to stand on two legs. I nursed my wounds until I forced myself to move. Limping for a while I allowed myself to transform back into a wolf. I followed the scent of the woman to a village. Looking around I crept around the citizens. I keep track of the scent until I was outside of a castle. I sniff up the air and made my way to a window where I saw her.

She felt her bruises talking to herself. thinking about the events "What was it that saved me?" he could hear the guilt in her voice as she then asked, "Did he die?"

Then the questions arose that were understandable. "Was the wolf real? Did he kill those men?" she looked at her bruises and she believe those were real and the attackers were definitely real. "What saved me?" was her final question. I desperately wanted to speak to her. To tell her I was the one that saved her yet, how could I? I couldn't really speak as much as I could interpret. Not to mention that she would think I was a madman as well. She was safe though and that was what had mattered to me.

I heard the door open and a maiden tell the woman tell her that her bath was ready. As she walked away so did I. I snuck back to the wood line keeping my distance from the villagers. They would surely believe I am a threat and I had no intention of hurting them, but the tables turn when the see a giant black wolf lurking around. I walked through the woods when I hear her speak. I ran back to the castle wall and leaped onto the balcony listening to her speak. She had a kind sounding voice. I spent my whole life hating royals, yet she was different. She calmed me. I feel my heartbeat slow. The pain from my wounds was all but gone at this point. The one thing I am truly thankful for my abilities is the healing. She was talking about me to the maiden. The maiden listened excitedly as the Princess spoke of the events that transpired.

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