Chapter 1 ~ No nightmares.

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My eyes open slowly to face the green meadow painted on my celling and slowly sit up, and look around my tiny little room. My clothes are all over the floor, my homework that I didn't do falling out of my mustard coloured school bag and my drawing book open, covered with pencils from last nights 'art session' as mum calls them.

I jump when my phone on my bedside table begins to ring. I look at the caller ID it's Finn and its shows a photo of his face. He is covered in flour from when Rye tried to teach him how to make pita bread. Let's just say that Finn is a just a good cook as I am, he's awful, he almost burnt down Dad's bakery!
Through my thoughts I hear my phone still ringing, I forgot that Finn was calling me. I pick up my phone,
"Hello" I say very huskily as I just woke up.
"Hello is all you have to say to me? Where are you?" Finn says sounding worried.
I yawn before answering him "yes that's all I have to say to you, you woke me up! What do you mean where am I? I'm in my bed, wishing that I was still alseep! Where are you?"
"Willow I am sitting at school at victors table waiting for you to arrive. School starts in three minutes, hurry up and get here, we have those weird Capitol kids here for that exchange thing! We were supposed to show them around!"

I hang up my phone stand up and put it in my bag, then I begin sort through my clothes on the ground trying to find something clean to wear. After 3 minutes sorting through my pigsty I finally settle with a yellow dress that is covered in tiny white flowers. I put my hair in a braid that runs down the back of my head while walking into Rye's bedroom. I knock on his door loudly "GET UP! WE'RE LATE!"
I continue waking down the corridor to my Mum and Dads bedroom. I open the door slowly to see my Dad's arms wrapped protectively around my Mum. She didn't have a nightmare last night!She is lightly snoring and my Dad is smiling very widely, their too cute I decide to write them a note telling them that Rye and I left for school and that I'm going to Finn's house after school.

I rush down the stairs and grab and two apples one for me and one for Rye. "Rye! Hurry up!" He then rushes down the strains almost tripping over his untied shoe laces. We get in the family car and head off to school.

By the time we get there the bell has already gone and people are already in there period one classes. I give Rye a light kiss on the forehead and say goodbye, then start running to my first class of the day. I rush into the classroom and try to sneak into my chair before Mr. Plutarch sees me, as he is facing the board writing down some conversation starters to ask the Capitol kids.
I take my seat next to Finn as I am taking year 12 history because you must take at least one year 12 subject in year 11 to prepare you for the work that you get in year 12.

"Miss. Mellark decided to join us? What's your excuse as to your lateness?" He asks me in his stupid voice he uses to mock me. I said before that the teachers treat us like royalty but Mr. Plutarch hates me and I don't know why.
"I am very sorry, but my parents.." He cuts me off there.
"I don't care, detention after school."
I sigh in defeat as I don't want to receive more than one detention. He then smirks and continues to write in the board.
Finn looks over at me and smiles and all the worry on his face disappears as he knows that I'm here and okay.

" Alrighty, the Capitol exchange students arrive at the train station in half an hour so we will head off now to meet them there. When we get there I will assign four students to you and your partner. You are excused from all of your other lessons as you will spend the entire day learning about them and their home."

I roll my eyes then look at Finn, who just looks bored. We don't want to show those dumb kids around. They believe that they are better then us and that we should be their slaves as my Mum tells me over and over when my Dad defends them believing that they have changed over the years and that they think the same as us. Finn turns to me "today is going to be so much fun!" His voice is filled with sarcasm which makes me laugh!

My beautiful toasties!!! As you guys will be able to see I have deleted all of the existing chapters on this book. I did this because I personally hated them! They were poorly written and made no sense what so ever! I'm sorry if that upset you but I'm trying to make this book better for myself and for you guys!!

What did you think of the first chapter? Feel free to leave some positive feedback!
Love from Daisy🍄

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