Chapter 2

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The village's atmosphere was chaotic, a letter was left where the crime took place. The mayor, affectionately nicknamed Polar Bear by his wife, stood from the platform where has been put a mic to reveal the contents of this intriguing letter.
His face began to contort with disgust as he read how the « enchanting gaze of the statue overtook the alleged perpetrator (established as male by his writing) who fell in love with the muscular and sensual body that the statue was carved with, the lovely attire only adding flame to the criminal's desire to possess such a beauty of an ephebus..». As the poetic theft note went on with its love message to Art, the audience let itself go to laughter, which one was caused by the unlikely absurdity of the situation.
The kids arrived around that time and joined in the hilarious event with another touch of euphoria. Anyone was wondering how it could not be a joke and the mayor, the only one serious, was trying hard to promote his indignation and the insult made to the village. But even in his narrow-minded brain, a cell was wondering who would be so extravagant as to steal such a thing.

The door opened on the teacher, who stopped getting angry after absent people and sat over the class window smoking. His reflexes are fast but he could not be bothered as to turn around to face his incompetent pupils, he therefore did not notice the alien presence behind him.

« What a nice sculpted back can i see there! Such an artwork of a man! »
exclaimed the stranger with a bit of malice coupled with disappointment seeing no reaction. And the reaction came. Violent and without warning. The blow went off before he could see his well-built interlocutor's face. Of course, after being hit, he could observe it at his leisure but it was less enjoyable. The fun completely left as the serious looking man did not apologize and claimed he should not have surprised him. Even so, the intruder that he was, decided to introduce himself as he was oblivious to the smoking man's indifference or rather hostility:
« I am Dorian, I was hired by the principal of this school to be the new teacher! will I have the pleasure of working with you? »
After a temporary silence, Klaus gave in and replied to him, politeness was one of his policies after all:
« Klaus Eberbach, I teach everything and so will you since in this countryside, there are usually no other teachers available. »
He took advantage of his presentation to imply a question about this Dorian's reasons for coming in such an isolated place. After 10 years of career, Klaus knew his way with words and learned to ask intimate things without seeming to. However, Dorian answered vaguely with the notions of nature and tranquility and talked his way out of the question without arousing Klaus's suspicion.
Soon, the children came back and were overjoyed to find a funny looking man, whose earlier mark left by the blow has been carefully hidden through makeup, presented as the new teacher but the sparks in their eyes faded as fast as they were given life to since the professor's test implied he taught only the other class first so that his competences were approved of.

[ENG] A Peculiar TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now