Bobs Adventures...Part Two!!

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The asshole picked up the badass pink boobilishis shotgun and aimed for bobs armpit. "Haha say bye bye to your armpit!" Cried the asshole I mean assassin. The asshole I mean uhh assassin shot bobs armpit and bob collapsed.

Bob woke up in some weird shit land with a bunny staring at him. "Welcome to wonderland.. Wait wat dafuq is that?" " I don't know.." Said Alice. Wait what dafuq is going on? Said the kid. "Mom something's wrong with this book, this hobo is ruining this story!"'cried the kid. Well idk what drugs that kid is on cause he just broke the 4th wall...well anyway after few attempts to eat the bunny bob decided to build a space ship so he can return to canadia or whatever his grandma lives.. Bob found a crappy town named Paris and he asked the citizens where he can get a space ship but all he could hear was: bla bla bla! And bob decided to google translate. Wait what where did he get that? Where's my phone?? What da!? Bob dropped da phone and it broke. Wait! Who's writing this!? Is is not funny that was my new iPhone 6! Bob found out that bla bla bla in English means: " to get to canadia u must get a space ship from the one and only pedo bear (AKA the wizard of oz) and sacrifice him a new born child. "We're off to see e wizard the magical wizard of pedos! Wait what da fuq is that?!" Asked candis the new born baby. Ok who's ever writing this story is messed up. How can new baby's talk? I'm a stranger no you should come with me said Bob. Hey hey hey I'm not done talking! Stop this shitty story already! Candis agreed to the stranger and the stranger took the baby's and ran to the sunset end. Hey! Stop!! Wtf is happening!! Why is this story keep on braking the fourth wall..?!?! And who's writing this story?!? Is this my drugged up dog?!?! You know what all this will be answered on the next episode of Amc the walking dead..Carl!! Anyway TO BE FUCKEN CONTINUED YOU NIGGA ASS HOE BICH!!

Da great Adventure of bobDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora