chapter 1: An Interesting Announcement

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"Alright Boys, huddle up!" The coaches voice cut through noises of extra conversation, Alex immediately caught the ball he had been throwing back and forth with the JV player he had been assigned to.

Everyone started jogging toward Coach Lonng, who was standing right at the mid-field line, clipboard in hand. "Take a knee."

And everyone listened. Like they were dogs being trained. Panting breathes were visible due to the cold weather that December so gracefully gave to them.

Even the JV boys went running, shoving each other back and forth like immature bitches. Even though Coach Lonng wasn't their coach. And he noticed.

"JV, did I call you? No. Get back to practice. Pair up and practice shooting, lord knows you guys need it."

Alex and the rest of the Varsity players snickered. Though no one would ever tell him, Coach Lonng sounded like a girl who had been on testosterone when he screamed. Alex always thought that maybe he was a tranny. Which is what made it even funnier when the JV boys were trying not to laugh. There faces contorted with underlying humor.

Alex hid his smile underneath his gear, and looked over at Shane, his best friend.

Shane shook his head, with a grin, that seamed to never leave his face.

But all jokes about Coaches sexuality aside. He was the only reason that the team had won the state championship the past 2 years. Though the players were good, Lonng made them something else. He made them a team. Everyone on varsity was a family, even JV too. The lacrosse boys were like royalty at Freedmont High. They were undefeated the past 4 years, but always choked at states. Until Alex was the 1st freshman to make it on varsity as a midfielder, since his brother.

Nobody cared that coach might be something other than just a cisgendered man, because nobody wanted to start loosing now. Especially Alex.

The competitive streak ran deep in his family. And he had an idea that it was why he had been promoted to team captain that past year.

Once the chatter had died down and everyone was sitting. Lonng grew quiet, which gained everyone's attention even more. He never looked like that. Uncomfortable. It made everyone uneasy.

"Ok guys," His voice boomed, he was just so naturally loud, "I have a couple things I need to talk to you about. Number One, I know that we start preseason a lot early than the spring sports. I don't think, basketball is even over yet, which why we have one states back to back." The boys made sounds of celebrations, whoops and yeahs surrounded Alex, but he stayed silent. He knew there was something coach needed to tell them.

"But with that said, we are coming up on winter break, and they are not allowing me to keep you guys, because we aren't in official season. Which I know some of you will be happy about but, that means if you are going out of town, you will need to get your meal plans and training schedules from me before you leave. If you come back to preseason, and you aren't up to my standards then I will gladly cut you from this team. We are not fucking around this year, understood?"

"Yes Coach." The team said in synchronization.

He smiled, "huh I can't hear you, speak up team."

"Yes Coach." Still synchronized but everyone was smiling this time. He knew no one would want to get cut. He knew that they would do what he asked of them. Or else the test of fitness when they got back from break would make them vomit more than they did the entire last season.

"And number two, there will be a transfer, coming to Freedmont after break." Coach looked nervous, he never looked nervous, Alex though to himself, "he is from Georgia, his school won states last year as well, his name is Jamie Stevenson. I am telling you this only because it was an issue with his last team. But Jamie is gay. And when his team in Georgia found out, let's just say that there was a conflict. If I hear or see anyone treating this boy, less than anything but family, we will personally have a talk with your family and the school. Am I understood?"

Everyone nodded, but one word kept messing with Alex,
Gay, gay, gay, gay. Like a broken record the word kept repeating. He couldn't focus, he suddenly became hot, in the 40 degree weather. And when he looked up, he saw coach staring at him.

"Any questions, before you guys go to the weight room?"

Shane raised his hand, "what position is he going for?"

Coach looked relieved to leave this conversation, "well obviously he will be second string until he gets used to our practices but," Coach looked back over to Alex, "he played midfield at his old school."



Thank you everyone for reading!
Sorry this is so short, this is mainly just to start the book off.
I'm excited to keep writing though.

Brandon Flynn as Alex Latter

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