Chapter 2: Dakota's Tale

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Hey dudes! I'm back. This chapter is short, just the way I wrote the story. I'll try to get another part up tonight. Fingers crossed! Anyway, on to part two.


"...My family died several years ago."

Bruce looked at her, ready to offer condolences, but also confused as to why she was telling him this.

"Hush, no talking." Bruce turned his eyes back to the ceiling. "I was 11. There was a fire that night. No one woke up in time. I was at a friends house for a sleepover. I thought... I thought that it was somehow my fault. My fault for a fire I was nowhere near, my fault that my whole family was dead. For nearly a whole year, I lived with my grandparents. And for nearly a whole year, I tortured myself. I hated myself. I wanted to die, to join my family. I couldn't handle living. I would hallucinate, have vivid dreams. And eventually, I reached the point where I wanted to give up. Then all of a sudden, I couldn't. I just couldn't give up. So I decided to try something different. Instead of fighting the dreams and nightmares and hallucinations, I would work with them. I laid on my bed and I went into my head. I let my monsters overtake me. And I talked to them. I worked out my problems and we came to an agreement. It helped me move on.

"Your monster is not mental, but I want you to try it. Close your eyes and let yourself find the Hulks cage. Let him out, talk to him, find out what you're so scared of. They say communication is what holds a relationship together. So try it, try talking to the Hulk, Bruce."

Bruce finally turned to look at her after her story. She looked deadly serious, so he sighed and closed his eyes.

Dakota watched as he resigned and closed his eyes. Standing, she grabbed the pizza box and the trash and put everything away. She then finished cleaning up the gym before returning to where Bruce was still laying on the couch. She pulled out her book and started reading.

---Time Skip---

It was about 90 minutes later when Bruce finally came round. Kody looked up as he stirred. She smiled and put her book away. Bruce sat up, but he looked much more relaxed.

"Better?" Bruce looked around at the noise. He smiled.

"Much better. We, uh, came to a consensus."

"Good, now, why don't you head home." Kody smiled at him.

"Yeah, I'll do that. I'll see you around Kody." Bruce started to walk away.

"You're welcome back anytime Bruce. Keep talking to Hulk, I recommend once a week." Dakota called out after him. The only acknowledgment that he had heard her was the thumbs up he threw her over his shoulder.


Thanks for sticking it out again. Come back. R&R. Please. BYE!

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