She gently pushed me out of the door and waiting for me to start walking.

I didn't move.

I wanted to stay with her.

I heard Demi sigh before walking into the hallway and putting her hands on my back. She gave me a quick push to  get me to go to my dorm.

I grunted and just started walking, not even caring to argue.

"I love you baby!", I turned around and saw Demi smile, for a second I didn't react but my lips slowly turned into a smile.

"I love you too!", Demi's smile got wider as she waved. I waved back and walked farther down the hall. I got to the end and went down the stairs, out the door and onto the campus walkways.

As I walked across the pathways I saw some small groups of students whispering.

As I walked by I heard one student mention the meeting in the auditorium, the student said that from now on the campus will be more strict.

I chuckled to myself, Demi wasn't gonna make anything more strict, the campus rules were already pretty hard to break as it is.

I walked past and got to the building my dorm was located at. I opened the door and quickly fumbled for my keys. I kept them in my hand, between my fingers so I could unlock the door faster.

I got to my dorm, I quickly unlocked it and walked in.

It felt odd being back in here but I couldn't of cared less.

I sighed, closing the door and dropping my bags.

I put my bag with my clothes near my chair and my bag with my laptop and binder next to my little table.

I turned on the lights and sighed. I already missed Demi.

I walked and flopped onto my bed, I let out a yelp when I hit my head against the wall.

"Fucking jeez.", I sat up, rubbing my head.

I looked around for a moment, trying to find something to do. I remembered my phone and laptop, both of them needed to charge. I got up, grabbing my phone and laptop, I searched fro my chargers and couldn't find them.

"Where the fuck...", I put down my laptop and phone, I opened my backpack and rummaged around.

I found the cords at the bottom of the bag, I shook my head and plugged both my laptop and phone into the wall.

I sighed and let out a yawn.

"Fuck this.", I walked over and turned the ligts off.

I yawned again as I walked over to my bed and jumped onto it. I sighed as I curled under the blankets.

Within minutes I was warm and happy, I slowly drifted to sleep as I laid by myself.

***NEXT DAY***

I let out a yawn as I stretched y body.

Sighing as I brought the blankets up to my chin.

Suddenly the sound of my alarm on my phone went off.

I groaned and sat up, my vision blurry as I reached over to turn off my alarm. I fumbled with the blankets, getting tangled and unable to move properly.

"What the fuck!!!....", I whined and sat back, kicking the blankets around until I got out.

Once the blankets were off my lap I reached forward and turned off my alarm.

I saw I had gotten a text from Demi last night, she told me she loved me and to get some sleep. I smiled, knowing she cared.

I sat for a moment, waiting for my body to fully wake up. I opened my phone and just browsed Instagram. Wasn't looking for anything important, just needed to wake up.

Who's in charge?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant