#55 - you visit his family and you get stick

Start from the beginning

"Just do it and see," he protested.I go back into the bathroom.


I rest my head his shoulder," Michael what if its true, you'll be gone and i have work and my career."

"Don't worry about it.I would bring you on tour with there is no way in hell that you are going to sit at home while I barely get to see my baby, and you know what when I'm off tour then I'll take care of the baby while you work," he kissed the top of my head.

" I love you Clifford,"I said to him.

" l love you too Y/L/N," he said.

My timer went off and I dashed off to the bathroom. I grabbed the test on the counter and walk towards Michael. I wanted to look at the test with Michael. I sat back down next to him. I turned over the test and we both look at it.

"Oh my god, oh my god ,oh my god," Michael kept saying.He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my temple. I was so shocked at what I held in my hands. All of sudden a wave of nausa hit me like a wave hitting a cliff. I threw the test and ran to the bathroom with a hand over my mouth. "Oh Y/N its really true," Michael knelled right next to me with hand on my back. I held my head up and look at him. I see a smirk on his face that won't go away. This caused me to have the bigger smirk than him.

"I may have or may not have taken a test a couple of weeks ago," I tilt my head to side.

"And you didn't tell?" His voice was pure shock.

"Well i wanted it to be a surprise," I say back.

"Well it certainly was," he says pulling me in close and kissing my forehead.

"So whats the news," Micheal's mother says standing in the doorway.

"Well it there will be a little Clifford," Michael says with the biggest smile on his face.

LUKE:" Luke can you get me dome tea," I asked my boyfriend from the couch.

"Yeah sure babe," off he went to go make me some tea. I had always wanted to go to Australia and now I was here and I was with my amazing boyfriend but I just had to get strep throat. Instead of Luke showing me around Sydney and having fun and getting up know his family I was lying on the couch with a terrible throat. To make even worse Luke couldn't cuddle with me so he was a "safe" distance from me in the kitchen even though i told him it wasn't contiguous anymore,but he didn't want risk getting any throat illness. He came over and gave me my tea. I hated being sick on my vacation. Everyone wanted to go the beach and have fun. I wanted to do all of that but instead I sat on the couch watching Australian shows that I didn't understand. their accents were too thick. "Luke what are they saying," I shouted from the couch.

"They're saying that their was good bites and bad," he said looking at his computer.

"Can you come here its really cold," I whine.

"You have a throw blanket." He didn't look away from his comptuer.

"Yes but I want you ,"I say turning around and facing him.

"Well I love you but you know I have to record," I give a puppy eyes affect."Okay I guess I can for a little while that can't do any damage right," Luke can never resit the eyes whenever I put them on. He plops right down next to me. I snuggle my head onto his shoulder. After the show had ended we than began to watch Australia's next top model. "She should go home I mean she did terrible on her photo shoot and she just mean to everyone." Luke goes off about.

"whoa whoa i think she should stay," i say in her defense.

"y/n you cant be serious about that. i know jack shit about fashion but from watching this i know she had no emotion in her eyes and that face she always the same face in every photo," he says back.i stare at him for a while. Luke checks his watch," time for your medicine actually." he gets up from his position and walks towards the bottle on the counter. He picked up bottle and opened it and took out a pill and gave it to me.

" I hate swallowing," I say. a smirk appeared on Luke's face. I put the pill in my mouth and swallow making a face caused from the feeling of it going down my throat.

"I know for a fact that's not true," he says.

"I really don't wanna know that," Liz says walking into the room. Luke blushes and I walk back over to the coach just as elimination is about to begin.

"Hold up," Luke says walking over to the coach just in time as they called the first girl's name.

ASHTON: I was having the worse time ever. It wasn't anything but to do with Ashton nor his family they were very nice towards me but I was really sick. I had been traveling for over 24 hours and I felt awful. Ashton thought it was something I ate or I needed to drink more fluids. In the end of was neither but the best stomach flu and not only stomach flu but jet lag on top it.

I rested my head against the toilet with my eyed shut waiting for death to take me. I couldn't stop shaking my stomach had the worst cramps ever and I couldn't think of food becasuse then it mad eme more nauseous.

Ashton had insisted that no matter what we would share his bed. I really didn't want to because this would lead to him getting sick and then his family getting sick and then I would never live it down plus that would make the worst first impression. "Babe I don't care if you're sick, I still love you," he said in his defense.

I climb into bed. The bed was the perfect body temperature, it felt as though I was being cooked.

Surely that would stop my shaking. About 5 minters later it all came back but I knew exactly what was going to happen and I really didn't want to that. I was going throw up. I sat up and felt around the floor looking for a trash can I couldn't make it all the way to the bathroom, it was all the way down the hall, and I wasn't going to make it. I tried to stop myself but it didn't work it. I felt so bad.

"Babe what is going on but what is that smell," I look over to him. He turns on the lamp on the bed side table.Rubbing the sleep form his eyes. At first he's confuse on why I'm not answering and I have my hand to my mouth. He then looks down at his sheets and puts it all together. "Oh my god gross Y/N can't you keep it in," he was out of bed in a second and out the door. "YUCK!" He screamed like a 7th grade girl.

"I'm so sorry Ashton I tried to look for a trash can but couldn't find one," I said getting up from the bed. The minute my feet hit the I sprinted to the bathroom to throw up once more. This time I was visited by some chills.

"What's going on out here,"Ashton's mother step out and saw Ashton standing outside his room while I was puking and teeth were clattering.

"Y\N puke in the bed," he said pointing to his room.

"Well Ashton be a good boyfriend and make her some ginger tea," she order.

The second day was a kind of better. No throw up but every body part was sore and I laid on the couch the whole day while watching Australia next top model with Lauren.

"You sure you want to sit next to me I'm pretty sure I got your brother sick but he hasn't had the awfulness yet," I said.

" No its fine plus I get to miss school I'd I do get sick," she replied.

"Fair point," it was strange not seeing Tara banks.

" I have your soup Y/N," Ashton walked in with a bag that contain my soup. "Also I'm sleeping on the couch." He said getting me a bowl.

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