Chapter 3: mass murder

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A/n: a quick sketch I did of Alastor :)

I get up and walk down towards the dining area with Angel, and as we enter the entire place is a buffet. My mouth waters as I realize how hungry I actually am. I sit down at the table, and start to dig in to the weird foods before me.

"How are you liking hell?" Charlie asked as she picked at her plate

"It's different than I would have thought. But I think I could really thrive here." I reply slowing down on the eating and pouring myself a cup of coffee. If I can figure out how to activate my demonic form and remember it all then I could be even more powerful than Alastor. Who am I kidding I'm not that great, but I could be a close second. Plus I kinda like name they gave me. Pink Demon of Death. The Pink Death. It sounds kinda cool, I've been blessed with this power might as well use it.

"Are you sure you don't want to move on to heaven?" Charlie asked as I really thought about it for a second.

"I must have done something bad in my past life, so I think I deserve to be here." I reply as she seems to nod.

"Oh we can go get you registered today after you're done eating." Charlie spoke as I sat the rest of the time eating quietly. Angel and vaggie seemed to be bickering back in forth, after I was done I felt someone staring at me. I look towards the entrance to see Alastor standing there smiling at me with blood splatter on his cheek. I smile back awkwardly as charlie notices me and look towards Alastor.

"Alastor! What have I told you about blood in the hotel?!" She yelled as Alastors face filled with a smug smile

"Must have it nowhere in sight." He responded as he took out a dark crimson handkerchief and wiped the blood off quickly, "I do apologize about that dear, I forgot it was there."

"Well (y/n) are you ready to go?" Charlie asked as I nodded. I stood up as well as Angel.

"Well I'm coming." Angel spoke crossing his arms as I just shrug 'okay'.

"Where are we going?" Alastor asked happily

'We are going to register (y/n) and see why he was sent to hell." Charlie exclaimed as Alastor face lit up as he snapped his neck towards me

"How delightful! Do you mind if I join you on you're endeavor?" He questioned with an almost threatening smile.

"S-sure why not." I replied as he turned on his heel

"Wonderful! What are we waiting for, come on let's go!" He strutted away as we all followed behind him. We walk throughout town as we arrived at what looked like a government building. We entered as Charlie spoke to the women at the desk. Angel shoved me forward as I smiled at the awkwardly.

"Well what's you're name?" She asked bored

"(Y/n) (l/n)." I reply

"Year of Death?"

"2018." I reply

She types on her computer for a while before a sheet of paper prints out and she hands it to me. I grab it and look it over quickly. It has a picture of me as a human and as a demon. I read over the information and quickly find the 'reason for hell'

I read it quickly as fears shakes through my body.

'Wrath. Mass killing'.

"Well why are you here?" Angel questions as I start to laugh slightly

"I'm such a loser." I laugh out loud again as I wipe a tear from my eye

"Well?" Alastor questions

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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Angel x male!reader x Alastor Where stories live. Discover now