Chapter 2 ( The mirror)

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Mia couldn't help if , shd was interested in the noise , she just have to go check it out . " Hey , don't mind me , i'm just going to the kitchen" mia mumbled while walking towards the basement . Her parents was laughing away at the show on the tv . Finally she was at the basement . It was dark and dusty , Suddenly she thought she saw a man in the basement .  "MOM! DAD ! HELP ME !" Mia screamed as she ran towards her parents . "Mia ?? Are you okay? What happened ?" Mr. Parker asked as he checked the basement . "A ,a ,a ma,ma,man in the basement " mia mumbled as tears rolled fown her cheeks , Mr parker then went into the basement one more time and came out with a big mirror wrapped up in cloth . "Oh you mean this ?" Mr parker questioned . Mia was calm now .

Mia finally calmed down after a few hours of sipping green genera cup of tea . Her parents then sat beside her on the couch . "Mia , calm down , its just an old mirror that the previous owner left , it looks pretty nice too , if you don't want it we can sell it to amazon or something , this thing is the boom " mr parker said as he stared at the mirror behind him . Mia stood there frozen . She was still shock .

Night time falls , it was 10.45 pm and mia was reading her favourite book in bed 'Courtneys runaway' by Sarah julaine . *beep beep* the sound of her alarm clock buzzed as it shows 10.46 pm . Mia then decided to rest , suddenly she heard a sound coming downstairs , it was a ruffling sound as if someone was opening a plastic sheet or cover . She then take it as her imagination and went to bed .

It was 9.12 am , mia was in her pink cardigan and rompers . Mr parker and mrs kate was downstairs , mia finally got the courage to go downstairs . "Oh hey mia , did you happend to come downstairs last night?" mrs kate asked as she looked at the old mirror . To mia's horror the mirror which was covered perfectly with plastic sheet was all torn up . "Mom ,i didnt , but last night i heard as if someone was doing it " mia replied shakily , she began to have her suspicion . Mr parker then looked at the peelings . " hey , why not we put this in your room mia , maybe it already peeled when we saw it heh?" Mr parker said while carrying the mirror into Mia's room . It sat perfectly beside the window . That day , mia and her parents decided to walk around the malls located near the neighbourhood and ended up coming home with several plastic bags .

It was night time now , 11.15 pm mia was fast asleep in bed .

[Mia's parents POV]

We were tide in bed , getting ready to close the lamp lights when suddenly we heard Mia singing a lullaby song in a creepy manner . "What is that girl doing?" Mr parker asked as he looked at me . We then ignored it and decided to go to bed .

[Authors note]

Hey guys !how was chapter 2 ? Did you guys love if ? You should anyways i got some of my ideas from my best friend FuzzyRoseCheeps ! Go check her out ! Anyways isn't chapter 2 spooky ? QFY would you keep the mirror in your room?

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